How did become more popular than to No Stupid – 470 points –

I don't understand how developers managed to surpass both and instances in user activity.


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RIF specifically directed me here. I didn't join one before that because I didn't know which one was "best". I honestly don't care which one I joined, I just wanted to be on the one everyone else is on. I know this mindset somewhat defeats part is the purpose of the federated communities. I don't care about that in the slightest I just want a clone of Reddit.

Also "world" sounds more generic/standard than ml. Most people probably think it's a military website or something.

You'll probably find 90%+ of casuals are in the same boat as me.

Same, though ML made me think "Machine Learning", and that it was a more tech-focused place. This was before I realised they they're all (broadly) the same, and assumed that they were groupings of similar topics like an old web-ring.

Hell I thought it meant Marxist Leninist

I'm pretty sure it actually does stand for that in's case at least.

LoL! That is an unusual guess, I don't think I have heard of "Marxist Leninists" in popular media in a while!

The Lemmy devs are tankies. That's exactly what it stands for