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Toes♀ to – 424 points –

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How about this one:

I had one of these, it was terrible, me and my friends called it The Cyst.

My first "multimedia" computer back in '99 had an integrated SiS VGA card, with an amazing 8MB video RAM.

Before that, my computer was a keyboard-only monochrome 386 with windows 3.1

Yes, my back is killing me but my knees are surprisingly ok.

There was a 15 minute window where the 735 was the best Socket A chipset on the market.

Unfortunately, they couldn't get past cheapo ECS mainboards.

Thank you for the memory! The first "retail" card I ever purchased (from a small town computer shop), literally just said AGP Graphics Adapter on the box... and inside was a delightfully generic SiS board, with which I had many fun hours.

My super7 mainboard was the best! Upgrade to a k6-2 and I've overclocked the bus to 112mhz