How do you guys cope with the fact that the world isn't getting any better? to – 469 points –

I'm really worried about the state of the US despite being a white male who was I'll coast right through it. I'll also accept "I don't" and "very poorly" as answers


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This whole comment is great! Thank you for typing it all out and sharing it with us.

This part especially helped me a lot:

_If you have no stable place to live, no stable income, no stable sense of family, what does a stable sense of adult self look like?_

Thank you.

Also, I'm looking forward to watching that video when I'm able to! It sounds super interesting and I'm kind of excited about it, honestly! Lol :)

Thanks, it's a well researched video and despite being only tangentially related to the topic at hand, I just kept finding more and more relevant quotes in it. Eventually, I had to stop myself or else I would've just rewatched the entire video for that post!