US, Israel discuss 'different phase' of war to World – 37 points –
US, Israel discuss 'different phase' of war | News24

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Wait do you really think bombing nazi Germany and imperial Japan was wrong? When making the argument I didn't really expect anyone to take the pro-nazi side lmao. I respect it, at least you're logically consistent

This is the most glaringly narrow and selective interpretation of my comment.

I could have come at this from any angle and it would look bad for you.

Two wrongs make a right?

See previous comment

Also technology has changed a lot since the forties.

Exactly. Israels capabilities would be sufficient to wipe Gaza off the face of the earth within a couple days, since they have access to technology that the allies could have only dreamed about. So why don't they?

And last I checked, nazi Germany was not some sort of prisoner state to the US.

Maybe you should check again, since nazi Germany was literally occupied by the US after we surrendered in 45. In fact it was initially divided into four zones controlled by France, USA, UK and the USSR. It's almost like losing a war you started will net you a military occupation. Now tell me, in which position could a country be after losing four wars in a row when it is let by a militia that was formed to literally cleanse the earth of jews? Small hint, the moral high ground is not one of them.

So many reasons your comment makes 0 sense.


OK thanks for taking a week to completely miss the point again. Like a laughable waste of time.

You quote me saying the US didn't have nazi Germany occupied, like it's not relevant to what happened during the war, but then you say the US occupied Germany after the war. Not relevant. Isreal is occupying Gaza before during and after this "war".

Maybe in February you'll have a change of heart.

They quasi occupied them before this war (even that is a bit of a stretch) but not before every war they have waged on Isreal. But yeah maybe I'll have a change of heart after 4 or 5 more UN resolutions which call for something to be done and 4 or 5 thousand more rockets launched into Isreals general direction. More realistically, things will not get better until Palestinians get rid of the delusion that they can throw Israel out.

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