Berlin’s plan for driverless magnetic trains derided by climate groups

Lee to World – 176 points –
Berlin’s plan for driverless magnetic trains derided by climate groups

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Japan is in the middle of building a very long maglev line, what about it is supposed to be not at all ready?

There's still no point for a 10km intracity line, but for important long distance routes it seems like the best way to kill flights, though we'll see how it works out for japan whenever they finish it.

It's been testing for how many years? And they still don't have a end on sight

Because they can't (couldn't?) build it for the usual reasons that there's one place on the route where they have trouble getting permission. Not because of any faults with the technology.

Also wasn't even the original planned completion date still in the future? You don't build hundreds of km of railway featuring some of the longest railway tunnels ever built in a year.