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Joined 10 months ago

It's more that those things likely never crossed anyones mind during development. A lot of everyday things you just assume are the way they are where you live everywhere, until you see they aren't. And even being aware of that you are always going to miss things.

I doubt this had any actual influence on which studio ended up working on the game, but it is a nice side effect.

Achievements or multiplayer matching not being implemented in the game itself isn't on GOG. They still allow you to download and launch any game you've bought, without even requiring galaxy.

Also lesser known is the fact that there are DRM-free games on steam. Download them once, you can play without having steam running or even installed. Using a client to download isn't inherently DRM either.

Ban use in public in general. I don't want to be forced to walk through a cloud of cigarette smoke in front of a train station or waiting at a traffic light any more than in a restaurant. People can do what they want at home but constantly having to deal with drug addicts polluting the air around me shouldn't be accepted.

14 more...

The highest GDPR fine was 1.2 billion. As far as I know nothing is stopping the EU from imposing higher and higher fines with continued breach of guidelines there, and I would expect these fair market regulations to work similarly.

Also for reference, that fine was against meta, who had 34 billion in revenue in 2023. So that fine cost them around 3% of their global revenue, which I'm sure is tolerable, but definitely approaching the point of hurting.

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Going off google the energy required to heat the oceans by 1 degree is approximately 5.4*10^21 kj, or 1389 trillion GWh, or the energy output of over 170 million nuclear power plants over an entire year. Safe to say putting all the server farms in the world in there still isn't going to make a dent.

It might affect local temperature by a relevant amount if there's too many in one spot perhaps, and that could be pretty bad. But generally, saving energy is a good thing.

Actually determining the total gain seems insanely hard to impossible. Percentage of turnover is just easier to implement, and still effective if it can scale up as it can for gdpr.

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"Race" for humans is a made up concept and "racism" has been used to refer to any kind of hating a group for their ethnicity. "Ethnicity" is a very ambiguously defined concept notably including shared attributes like nationality, language, history, religion, etc.

I, too, am not a fan of words being used incorrectly, but this is not an incorrect use of "racism".

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The article says that 90% of 39 million euros in public transport revenue came from locals, so the cost should be around 35 million, perhaps with some savings on staff or infrastructure since fewer people have to buy tickets (as well as possibly less road maintenance if fewer people use cars as a result). And the city is financing it through a new tax on companies with more than 11 employees.

It's not a world ending amount of money, so I don't see why it shouldn't be viable. Germany's 49€-ticket, while currently having some financing trouble, is similar too in that it is extremely cheap, and is nationwide, and it happened in a nation with an extremely strong car lobby.

It's not free, but it should be possible anywhere with enough political will.

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Because some things warrant my immediate attention, and most don't. I am never interested in being contacted synchronously unless it's something actually urgent. And because of that I can tell people that if they need me, they can call me and if I'm at all able I will answer immediately, otherwise I will probably answer later, aka whenever I happen to see it.

Youtube has forced it onto their creators for a while. Censor swears or risk upsetting the almighty algorithm and getting demonetized, because apparently american companies don't like being associated with swearing.

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It's a bit of an inherent issue sadly, if your goal is to multiply money why would you invest in a company whose profits stay the same over one whose go up? And you have no reason to care if the company eventually dies as a result, you just move your money into the next one.

And most people investing money will be doing so with the only purpose of multiplying that money, as it's mostly banks and similar institutions. In theory if the main investors of a company want it to prioritize user experience over profits, the companies' duty to its shareholders would also be to ensure good user experience. But that's never going to happen.

The reason traffic moves at above the speed limit is that people see the speed limit and go slightly above it because it feels fine.

Speed limits are absolutely necessary in residential areas, and still a good thing on highways. High speeds are insanely fuel inefficient and they do also endanger people more.

My country has been debating putting a speed limit on highways that previously didn't have one so I've heard quite a lot about this topic.

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The rate of kids that don't transition after being on puberty blockers is something like <2%. All I've seen is some people crying about regret rates increasing by a lot when it goes from like 1 to 2%. "It doubled!!!!!" (Should be obvious that it will go up a little the easier it is to get treatment).

In any case, while puberty blockers aren't without adverse effects, those aren't huge, so prohibiting them is utterly nonsensical unless a majority of kids end up not going through with it.

And if a child knows at age 7 that it's not the gender it was assigned at birth, that's not some puberty thing. Which is a significant portion of transgender people.

Would it be evil to genetically engineer a cow that can produce milk without having to get pregnant? Seems much less evil to me than the current state of things.

Honestly, she's insanely rich already, the main entity that would get money from buying hogwarts legacy is the dev studio and publisher. So for that reason I believe a boycott to be pretty pointless - she's richer than anyone should ever be anyway, and that won't change whether or not people buy whatever else is made with the IP.

I respect anyones decision to not buy it, because fuck jkr, but imo there's also great reasons not to care in spite of her being a terf, and I don't think anyone should be judged for buying it.

I think there's a lot of backlash bc of the few lunatics that went and harrassed people for streaming the game, which of course gets reported on by sensationalist right wing media as "all trans people ever are doxxing everyone who they see play hogwarts legacy" and people believe that horseshit.

As someone who never cared all that much about HP anyway, it's just one more reason to spend my money on something else instead. But if the same studio made hogwarts legacy 2 and it's somehow the greatest game ever made instead of another slightly above average open world rpg, I'd probably buy it.

A lot of things I could buy end up giving some money to rich assholes that I'd rather not give anything to, after all. If anything, someone saying hateful things on twitter seems middle of the field, even if I'm part of the group being targeted.

It isn't on by default, but pressing shift I think 5 times fast in a row is a shortcut not even to turn it on, but to display a pop-up asking you if you want to turn it on.

You can disable that though. However it still seems like something that shouldn't be happening by default, since no one is going to want to use it without knowing about it, and at that point opt-in seems better with how easy it is to do accidentally.

Oh, it's the trans version of being gay is a choice i guess...

Would explain a lot, because to most transppl the thought of someone wanting to be what they were assigned at birth makes no sense whatsoever. But regardless it's not hard to accept that others might feel like you do but in reverse. Shows one hell of a lack of empathy to then conclude that must mean anyone claiming they do want to must have ulterior motives.

Maybe that at least means there's hope for her to realize what kind of bs she's spouting, but she's probably a lost cause.

I am genuinely stumped about how to explain why 3 is smaller than 10 in a way that isn't either "because it is" or requires early university math. And the moment we go to university maths all the comments about ambiguity are true and it's unsolvable.

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Honestly the EU is fucked up in so many ways but somehow still feels far more competent at doing good for its citizens than basically any other government institution, even if it's of course not without its failures (looking at you, copyright reform).

Oh no, a typo from hitting a key right next to the intended key, this has never happened in the history of journalism!

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Specifying 1.50 instead of 1.5 also implies that rounding was done (from an original value between 1.495 and 1.504) so it would be misleading if anything.

Though I'm not sure I even understand what the original comment is getting at, significant figures do not change that 1.48 is less than 1.5, and it is relevant to say 1.48 instead of 1.4 as it is even closer.

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Japan is in the middle of building a very long maglev line, what about it is supposed to be not at all ready?

There's still no point for a 10km intracity line, but for important long distance routes it seems like the best way to kill flights, though we'll see how it works out for japan whenever they finish it.

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So I don't have to sit on a public toilet of questionable cleanliness. A small bit of splashback from my own piss is preferable.

The privacy just has never been a concern bc no one is trying to look at other people's dicks while pissing.

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This situation somewhat does. Yes there's also been Orban being a fuck about EU help, but armament wise the US has been the primary supplier, and if US aid wasn't running out, Ukraine wouldn't be facing these issues, regardless of whether the EU or even other actors also could've prevented this.

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10 seconds of googling told me that germany produces around 240 TWh of renewable energy per year while texas produces around 133. If you have sources to the contrary feel free to provide them though.

What a great reason to never support anything to do with red bull. The last thing we need is a second Murdoch...

School for me was living hell for 5 days a week, working for me is alright and at least i also have money to use in my free time. Which I have less of of course, but even if school hadn't been hell I'd never want to go back.

Which is to say, if anyones reading this who's still in school and is getting discouraged from people saying working is worse, don't be. It's very subjective and depends on your job too. If school feels like torture, work will probably be an improvement.

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Well now I actively hate them instead of just not caring for their music, which i find to be ok

Boxen, presumably. Punching. So it's saying punch nazis

There's like ultrasonic cleaning machines for glasses they're pretty great. For me getting my glasses clean properly takes forever, if I had such a service near me I'd probably use it sometimes (as it is I just don't bother properly cleaning them and just wipe them occasionally)

Isn't the US the only country in the world requiring its citizens to pay taxes if they both live and work abroad? Or is there some huge earning limit to that that most people will never reach?

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My phone. Because that's how end-to-end encryption works.

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Gearbox is also the developer of the borderlands games. Doesn't seem impossible they'll just let the studio do its thing, and inany case they're far from unrelated to game dev.

Though I'd also be concerned any time something I like is bought by another company.

I also had to look this up but Greenland is not in the EU

I know very little about CRT beyond some very general idea so idk if there's a point to call it that specifically, but the naming choice is so bad that the first time I read it I assumed it's some nazi thing and had 0 doubt about it.

Clothing measurements aren't even consistent between countries, there's effectively no standard. If where you live measurements are based on something sensible, that's pretty lucky.

The XS/S/M/L/XL sizes of course differ for men vs women, and EU sizes which to me have always seemed like an arbitrary number do too. But usually individual clothing manufacturers provide precise measurements to translate into the generic sizes, because of course that's not consistent either. It's a complete shitshow, but ultimately gender size conversions aren't going to help you with the manufacturer differences anyway. But those really should be more easily available inside clothing stores

You kinda do, as anyone in tech that has ever had to communicate with customers can attest to.

Yep, the other kids traumatized me for life lol. And they didn't even hate me or anything, as I found out by them becoming generally fine to interact with in like 11th grade when they were 17+.

The homework I was thankfully able to just flat out ignore. But that along staying up way too long and as such struggling to stay awake in class lead to friction with teachers, so once the other kids weren't a problem anymore, it was instead the classes themselves. Which were also just mostly very boring and very slow, and I'm suspecting I also have adhd.

The exploit is years old and has been unknown until recently, and they specifically didn't list which versions are affected to avoid making it easier to figure out through code changes.

Lower risk yes, but also harder to put out yes, and also the comparison here isn't about cars at all.

It still shouldn't be an issue as long as you place the storage somewhere where the fire can be contained easily, then worst case the whole storage burns down but there wouldn't be significant collateral damage.