This was sold as a "fruit salad". Technically the truth, but not the best kind of truth. to Mildly – 418 points –

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I'm not saying it's a good thing for them to sell but generally you have a choice to not buy something like this.

You repeating yourself doesn't suddenly change any of the facts, the main one being that even if they did choose it, the content of the packet is not their responsibility, and if they hadn't bought it, someone else would have, and then they would have been disappointed..

So what, you just like the taste of corporate boot? Or have you been so deeply programmed by those actually responsible to always shift responsibility to the individual, no matter how ridiculous it makes you seem? (E: your reply boasting you're a restaurant manager as if it has any relevance has made these questions rhetorical - you clearly relate more to corporate position because of your proximity to the top, but remember - that proximity might as well be the distance between Earth and Mars, to actual corporate you're just another worker drone, just one that is also happy to inflict suffering down the line for them, but a worker drone nonetheless, and like the rest of us you are almost certainly closer to being homeless than you are to being a millionaire, so all you really are is a bootlicking class traitor)

Either way, you need to have a word with yourself..

Lol I love the irony of this dude making such a long hateful rant, and telling them other person that HE needs to have a word with himself.

Stay angry!

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