New weight loss drugs are out of reach for millions of older Americans because Medicare won't pay

Lee to – 139 points –
New weight loss drugs are out of reach for millions of older Americans because Medicare won't pay

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People shitting on your comment but the majority of Americans should eat less food overall, and change the type of foods, exercise etc. the weight loss drugs do just that, make you eat less and you can do that for free with a little mental discipline

I'm sure obese people have never heard of that before

I'm sure obese people haven't tried hard enough.

Even on "My 600 lb Life," the doctor gets on them hard about actually fixing their eating habits before bothering with surgery.

That's because it's dangerous to have weight loss surgery if you can't change your behavior even a little.

The bariatric surgery helps keep them on the right track.

The diabetic drugs help stop the food cravings in the first place, it appears to be a good option for people who have overwhelming signals from their body to eat.

Those are two completely different reasons, and medically they should be treated differently.