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Joined 1 years ago

Can't die fast enough. Get fucked musk

The circus continues 🤡

How'd this turd even get the time of day? Just tell this troll to piss off

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Hey if we can have several one in a decade world events happening in a short timespan, surely we can get some good games too

So... He wouldn't mind if the government withholds any financial aid to the state from now on, right?

Trump's definition of Democracy is to get away with what he wants. Same as Putin, that's why Trump was so happy to get his praise

Good luck with genocide Trump... If you think he'd give two shits you're kidding yourself

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They do this every couple years. It goes nowhere, never will. It's just for show so shitheads can get support from other shitheads

I wouldn't hold my breath, 42k out of 528M is nothing

It destroys the brand. The more nudity makes it on the site the more it changes the user base, advertisers change, the whole thing just takes a turn into something completely different

Totally unpreventable. We've tried nothing and we're out of ideas. Investigators looking at motives (like it matters). Suspect had a troubled past, legally bought weapons. #[insert city name] strong. Thoughts and prayers. Like and subscribe. See you at the next one.

So stop using that shit, problem solved

He isn't doing it for profit, he wants control

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Maybe he doesn't realize it'll take a couple decades, and he'll be dead by then, for any women having children now to see them old enough to fight or have any impact on the country

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Why would anyone want any of this fucking garbage anyway? Look at how the fuck boy runs twitter, you want that in your brain???

"Pay me or I turn you off, lol"

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Literally can't believe this. It's just another instance of a few loudmouths shooting off making empty threats. "Young activists" aren't going to swing anything and "polls" don't mean shit. 24 is an easy choice because it's the same one as 20, we've got dumb and dumber but dumber is now an unhinged fascist so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Painfully average is how I'd describe it. There's games with better graphics, better RPG elements, better open world, better space sim, better procedural generation use, better writing, better any one thing (except maybe ship building?). For a game that promised it all it's turned out to be your average jack of all trades, master of none.

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And if conservatives get their way the victims ages will keep going down

I agree, let's let the animals outside and enjoy their lives. I'm still going to eat them, I just want them to have a nice life before I do. Buy grass fed, organic, cage free, vote on bills supporting outdoor space, make it happen.

~10% is absolutely nothing in the big picture. I'm much more interested in seeing who stays around when the platform starts charging a subscription

Oh who cares anymore. Blizzard is going to do it, the players are going to lap it up with a smile. Just let it be and move on if it's not for you

Those prices are already wack, holy cow

Has nothing to do with being free from committing crimes, numbnuts

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Incredible. Do citizens united next. Full support

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People shitting on your comment but the majority of Americans should eat less food overall, and change the type of foods, exercise etc. the weight loss drugs do just that, make you eat less and you can do that for free with a little mental discipline

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Crypto is 100% a bubble. It's not an investment so much as a ponzi, sure you can dump money into it and maybe even make money, doesn't mean it doesn't collapse on a whim when someone else decides to dip out or the government shuts it down. Its value is exactly that of NFT's because it's basically identical, just a string of characters showing "ownership" of something intangible

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This is a hugely underrated win imo. We have no idea the damage lead is doing to us, we can only guess the damage in health problems is in the billions. Politicians usually don't give a shit about this so for Biden to do so is a big outstretched hand and big achievement

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Hmm, let me see. Ceasefire in a country that has nothing to do with us and doesn't effect us in the slightest


We elect a literal fascist who actually admitted he will be a dictator and use the military against his enemies at home

Tough choice

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Lets not forget that while the stock market doesn't define the economy it certainly affects it. When stocks are down, companies freeze or lay off employees, raise prices or change their products. Everyone's still complaining about grocery prices but the real win here is that it's not worse, which it was predicted to be over and over

I'd put money on it being about money

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And they'll win, eventually. They'll take the L, replace employees over time and suffer for it but in the end they will win and we'll all be back in office

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He's a man baby, he doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself and his own ambition. He thinks paying people means you own them, he'll just lie and bs his was to more VC money over and over and get what he wants because no matter what, he's regarded as some kind of 'genius'

Seems like an 'ok' game and is generally liked by the community but therein lies the problem. Ok isn't good enough anymore and the community interested in a game like this is small and ever shrinking. This wasn't the game to explode and draw people to the genre so it was never going to meet corporate expectations. Shame because I quite like AoS and think it has a ton of potential as an IP

Dark souls

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Which you could argue is also a large component of the inflation we've had. We wouldn't have had to massively stimulate the economy if there wasn't a pandemic. But it was all Biden, charging you more for eggs, right?

Projection, every time

Pretty good answer tbh

Diggs in heels, har har. ~ill see myself out~

"Remaining" like it isn't millions of people, lol

He never actually wanted it as a company, he only wanted to open it up because he had a misguided belief it was some evil corporation controlling what people can say and he wanted that control instead.