Seriously rule to – 350 points –

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As a Swede I can tell you it's pronounced "blåhaj"; no biggie ;)

(Also the latter video is correct)

While we’re at it: the correct pronunciation is obviously “gif”. You’re very welcome!

Finally, my degree in old English dialects is useful!

It’s extraordinarily lucky for you then that “gif” entered the English language on or around the PM period during ca. June 15, 1987.


Etymology: From Proto-Germanic jabai (when, if) with anomalous apocope. The expected form is attested once as ġyfe in the early 7th-century Law of Æthelberht, if not simply a scribal error.

Conjunction: ġif

Descendants: Middle English: if, yif, yef

Therefore, "gif" is pronounced with a Y

Edit: Yes, this was a very long way to go for a furry joke