Arch Linux users, help needed! to – -15 points –

Im a MEAN Stack developer and require the following:-

  • MongoDB (with MongoDB Compass)
  • Express
  • Angular
  • NodeJS

I need those for my web development job and projects.

I have experience with Ubuntu and Fedora based distros and wanted to use Arch Linux because i like the way Hyprland looked. Just tell me how to install mongodb, the rest can be done with npm.


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Are you looking for this?

And sorry but... RTFM ;)

And when you're ready, I suggest trizen for AUR management

EDIT: yeah, you can use npm, rpm, deb, snap, etc. But from my experience using the packages and package manager from the distro you're using breaks less often. Only python packages in a venv I'd consider an exception.
And in case of Arch, if you really can't wait a few days for the newest version of a thing, that's what AUR *-git packages are for


Last Updated: 2022-12-02 10:54 (UTC)

might wanna switch over to yay

That might be a good idea, true. I haven't payed attention to its updates. But then, I also haven't had any issues with trizen last few years

First time I hear of trizen. How does it compare to yay or paru?

No idea, sorry. I've switched to trizen when lack of development on pacmatic became an issue, few years ago

yep, im gonna try using paru or yay when i install arch tomorrow.