1 Post – 179 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I would also keep the "on speed" part. Even if the band aren't users

Millennials fretting about their financial future can take comfort in knowing they are on track to retire in a better financial position than they probably think.

A lot of things were supposed to be better than we thought in the beginning

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network-connected wrenches

Do wrenches really need to be networked? Honest question

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What’s as big as a house, burns 20 liters of fuel every hour, puts out a shit-load of smoke and noise, and cuts an apple into three pieces?

A Soviet machine made to cut apples into four pieces!

Microsoft acquired Github and the discussions around the future of opensource on a microsoft owned infrastructure

Personally I'm impressed it took them so long to start driving it to the ground

I moved to Codeberg

Codeberg is a non-profit, community-led organization that aims to help free and open source projects prosper by giving them a safe and friendly home

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After reading the title, I did not expect this to get even more fucked up

Miranda-Jara was initially in a relationship with the girl's mother but when things soured between the two, mom allowed Miranda-Jara to move on to her then-12-year-old daughter. Eventually, they would begin living together as a couple

Behold! The power of open source!

I think that's already patched

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"API change is not a big deal, look how many people logged in last week"

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I guess that, with the source narrowed down to the plant, this is the next question but

One theory is that the cinnamon may have been contaminated for economic reasons, agency officials said. That could mean an ingredient is added or subtracted from a food to to boost its value. For example, compounds like red brick, red lead salt, lead oxide and lead chromate, which mirror cinnamon’s red color, have been added to increase the value of the spice, research shows.

and then

FDA officials said they “cannot take direct action” with Negasmart and are relying on officials in Ecuador for the investigation into the company’s actions. Negasmart does not ship product directly to the U.S. and of Negasmart’s customers, only Austrofoods shipped foods to the U.S., the agency said.

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I agree that this is important news but what does it have to do with technology?

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I'm not convinced by the premise of this statement

Scientific innovations should make ‘zero to one’ breakthroughs, such as the mobile phone or the combustion engine, but are instead making ‘one to many’ improvements to existing innovations

Maybe we are simply past the curve where a few people can innovate a breakthrough and now it has to come from a lot of data gathered from existing implementations? In order to invent a cellphone a lot of technologies had to be improved compared to their first introduction. And get cheap enough to enable experimentation

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Buying any game after 3-5 years is the way to go. The bugs are fixed, patches are out, so mods are stable and most of the time you can find a sale where it costs 10-20€. And if you forget about it before that time, that means the game was not worth it

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24h for people to react to a comment in some post?

I think you under-advertised your proposal

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I use OsmAnd~. Mainly to analyze my skating routes (average speed, distance, etc) and planning sightseeing routes when on vacation.

For finding commute an app from local public transport is still the best and google maps are better than osmand, but for navigation on foot it's very good. And you can download the region earlier, so when you use it, you don't need that much data.

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Tinkering is all fun and games, until it’s 4 am, your vision is blurry, and thinking straight becomes a non-option, or perhaps you just get overly confident, type something and press enter before considering the consequences of the command you’re about to execute… And then all you have is a kernel panic and one thought bouncing in your head: “damn, what did I expect to happen?”.

Nah, that's when the fun really starts! ;)

The package refused to either work or install complaining that the version of glibc was incorrect… So, I installed glibc from Debian’s repos.

:D That one is a classic. Most distributions don't include packagers from other distros because 99% of the time it's a bad idea. But with Arch you can do whatever you want, of course

My two things:

  • I've heard about some new coreutils (rm, cp, cat... this time the name really fits the contents :D) and I decided to test it out. Of course it was conflicting with my current coreutils package and I couldn't just replace it because deleting the old package would break requirements. So without thinking I forced the package manager to delete it "I'll install a new one in just a second". Turns out it's hard to install a package without cp, etc :D
  • I don't remember what I was doing but I overwrote the first bytes of hdd. Meaning my partition table disappeared. Nothing could be mounted, no partitions found. Seemingly a brick.
    Turns out, if you run a rescue iso, ask it to try and recognize partitions and recreate the table without formatting, Linux will come back to life as if nothing happened
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Captive animal facilities where game species can be raised and hunted were banned in Montana under a 2000 ballot initiative

I think they took too big swig from twistonium bottle. Instead of "guy was organizing an illegal thing and it turned out he jumped through quite a few hoops to get to that point", they made it sound like the breeding part was bad

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When I was joining ~a month ago the situation was very different

I tried - had some issues joining
I saw - no downvotes - not my jam
I saw - too political for my tastes
I saw - most of local posts and server maintenance posts were in language I don't speak - maybe I can find something fitting me more?
I saw - small but not looking like private, in Europe, so pings should be ok and description seemed fine
I also saw - seemed like the main instance with the most users - having some understanding of federation from Mastodon migration I decided to spread the load...

And here we are :D

I think you might be hitting something else besides the shower

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Antichamber is hidden gem or simply forgotten? I don't know how much attention it got in its time.
It's a puzzle platformer but I was feeling my brain bend the whole game. And at the same time I never felt like the new mechanic was explained too little or something was artificially dragged out. Very good design.

IMO it was better than Portals

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Regarding Wayland, looking at this it seems that it might be pretty straightforward but then for example sway seems to be defining seats a little bit different. So it might require some tinkering in the end, depending which compositor you decide to use.
Loginctl seems to be X/Wayland independent and useful in both.

From what I've found it seems that there are more questions on the internet regarding something not working well in multi-seat or needing a patch for that, than how to set the multi-seat up. Situations like this usually mean that setting this thing up is quite straightforward. It might also be a niche, though

your everyday web browser

I only see chromium referenced, where's firefox?

As language-wide change: this will require additional checks, the first thing embedded developers will ask is "how do we disable it?"
For personal growth: yeah, it's a nice project :)
For production code: why reinvent the wheel? GLib is LGPL

Are you looking for this?

And sorry but... RTFM ;)

And when you're ready, I suggest trizen for AUR management

EDIT: yeah, you can use npm, rpm, deb, snap, etc. But from my experience using the packages and package manager from the distro you're using breaks less often. Only python packages in a venv I'd consider an exception.
And in case of Arch, if you really can't wait a few days for the newest version of a thing, that's what AUR *-git packages are for

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You mean like Ubisoft just did?

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"And now, Einstein will explain WiFi for you"

Oh gods, now I'm starting to count how much time will pass until I see an ad like that...

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I haven't gotten to it for myself but I think Kodi+something like RaspberryPI is your solution

EDIT: or just install a Linux on some one-board computer or old laptop and check how HDMI-CEC is working. You'll need to install virtual keyboard too

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At least you didn't get thrown through the window, as in the meme comic ;)

Without system/external libraries C is more like easier to read assembly, without much on top of it. There are no strings as we understand them in assembly, only pointers to sequential lump of RAM where NULL character means end of string. That's why C is so great as language for libraries at the level where strings are only for debugging and a waste of computing time anyway.
But for some reason often instead of writing a library in C and then linking to it in some high level language to handle the operations where strings are common, people try to use the hammer for everything and end up with overflowing buffers or trying to make exceptions in the kernel for D-Bus

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Well, if it's completely dry before plugging in, it can definitely get rid of dirt. On hot surfaces it sometimes gets baked in and compressed air is too little

Just put it in rice afterwards /meme

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Some time ago there was a post on lemmy with a question how to not poop for 3 days. OP was adamant on not saying what do they need it for. The post is now deleted but I think it might be a clue... ;D

It's cool but my question is (I did not see this addressed in the article nor video but might have missed it) did it learn to win the game in general terms or only this one example? I mean, if the layout of the board was changed, would it still solve it?

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I love .world and I'm happy to see it grow. But at the same time I think such disproportion is not great and userbase should be more spread out.

There should be some kind of "tumbler" on join-lemmy

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I'm not saying that these will make you 100% secure but that's what makes me feel safe

  1. configure Thunderbird to not display images by default. You can whitelist addresses afterwards or tell Thunderbird to show images for this particular message
  2. configure Thunderbird to always display mails in plain text. You can switch it for the opened mail when it looks ok
  3. if viewing plaintext is too much, configure Thunderbird to show you the real address somewhere on the bottom when you hover over a link (if it doesn't do this by default). If it looks weird, don't click it. Usually if the info in the mail is real, you can get to it via browser, you shouldn't have to click the link
  4. set Thunderbird to always show the real sender e-mail address next to the name set by sender. Get a habit of looking at it when opening mails
  5. while reading smtp headers (there is some button for that when you have an email opened) can be daunting at first, it's not that hard to understand from it the path the mail took. If none of the addresses on the list seem fine, be cautious

I'm not big on gambling. But I feel I could bet that their software/firmware is so bad that someone could still hack the network via the bricked printer

autosuggest commands from PATH and autocomplete directories

I think you might have autocompletion disabled. I have these features in my zsh

Already? Wow :D

Have Threads even finished rolling out in all first deployment regions? ;P

Awareness is the first step. It will take time for people to incentivize production of clean food