Collection of free software to – 181 points –

I first saw this on reddit, but I figured it would be good to make sure that this also stays accessible on another platform


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This seems to be really dated, shouldn't really be promoting things like OpenOffice now.

And nobody's used Xvid for at least the last like 10 years. And even back when the Xvid codec was used, ffmpeg was the way to do it lol

And I would really put OnlyOffice in there. It's by far the most polished of the bunch nowadays.

As a power user, who uses spreadsheets every day professionally, OnlyOffice isn't full-featured enough for my needs. LibreOffice is the only free software that's adequate for my job.

Why not?

Apache OpenOffice hasn't had a major release since 2014 whereas LibreOffice, its de facto successor, is actively developed and modern.

Unfortunately OpenOffice still has name recognition which leads casual users to still download it as a replacement to commercial office suites, despite being very out of date. It's kind of become a bit of an embarrassment to open source software and really should be discontinued, but a small handful of developers insist on keeping it on life support.

See this open letter