
0 Post – 128 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Well I didn't want to have a bio, but Lemmy doesn't let me null it out, so I guess I'll figure out something to put here later.

Am I the only one who thinks it's crazy that the only grounds they have are that HP didn't disclose that their All-In-Ones won't let you scan or fax without ink and not, you know, the fact that they do that in the first place? It should be illegal to disable critical functions of a device simply because an unrelated function is temporarily unavailable. There's no technical reason HP is doing this other than, "fuck you, buy more ink."

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The event staff fucked up thinking they were ejecting some no-name punk. This young man has a platform and the ability to do damage to campaigns that are afraid to answer tough questions and who instead toss out the people asking them. He's built up a following online and has made a bit of a name for himself in New England.

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I clearly don't think it is a stretch to say they have many compatible viewpoints, but I was opening this article expecting to see some kind of direct dealing between the two, not that the two hired the same web developer. This article is a bit sensationalist when there are plenty of legitimate reasons to hate both individuals.

Any website that implements this API is going to immediately lose me as a user. They can go fuck themselves.

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The federal government should charge Texas for the costs to remove the unauthorized barriers. The fact that the rest of us are paying for their idiocy is appalling.

It is a server config option. Lemmy.ml uses a banned word list, while other instances don't. The words are still there and visible from instances that don't censor.

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Believe it or not, we're living in the most peaceful period of human history thus far. I'd recommend the book The Better Angels of Our Nature by Steven Pinker which talks about how far we've come. That said, I see the threat of global warming, lack of fresh water, famine, and energy scarcity becoming threats to the current status quo, though. If we don't figure some things out as a species, we're likely in for some turbulent times in the next hundred years.

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Tell me you're Gen Z or Alpha without telling me you're Gen Z or Alpha.

I hate to break it to you, but we're all presently training someone else's shitty models for free by commenting on Lemmy. Probably multiple organizations at some point, in fact.

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Yeah, this is what happens when you stop listening to people who prop up your organization.

As a Satanist, I would love to challenge this, but this one is unfortunately much more difficult to challenge than, say, the 10 Commandments because Christians managed to fuck up our national motto. And all this law is doing is requiring teachers to put our national motto up in classrooms.

It does not matter how many people are on your instance. The only things that matter are that your instance hasn't been defederated from other instances with communities you'd want to participate in, that it is kept up to date and online, and that your instance owner/operators stay on top of moderation. I've not heard of any problems along these lines with lemm.ee

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For sure, hands are generally getting better, but they are still a persistent problem. Mostly you need a prompter who isn't lazy and is actually looking at the outputs.

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A study paid for by casinos shows casinos are a benefit to society instead of a drain? *Shocked Pikachu face*

It's easy to look at all the positives when you just ignore the negatives, after all.

Assuming it's precisely at the 2 hour mark, do you have snapshots enabled for that VM? If so, try turning them off.

Sonarr and radarr manage downloads for TV and movies in a nice way for Usenet and actually torrents as well. You can set up quality profiles and choose which shows and movies you want to download and they will grab torrents/nzbs that meet your preferences, automatically start them in your torrent app or Usenet downloader, and then organize them in folders with appropriate metadata for Kodi/Plex when the downloads complete. They automate the process very nicely.

Edit, I'm a Usenet guy if that wasn't already clear lol

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What do you mean by nefarious exactly? I don't get the impression that it's evil...

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The Satanic Temple is who you're probably thinking of because the Church of Satan doesn't do much of anything except post snarky things on X and whine about how TST isn't real Satanism and how TST shouldn't be engaging in political action.

It's kind of interesting to watch in open source which projects survive and which get forked and essentially made irrelevant. It basically becomes a referendum on the vision of the original individual or team and how well they're serving the collective user base. If they aren't accepting PR's and competently managing development, they'll likely be forked. So I'm glad to see that folks are making progress with mbin and I can't help thinking that its entire existence is probably due to individuals not being able to agree on a roadmap for the platform. If anybody has any info on any drama that led to this, I'd be curious to read about it.

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The article actually addressed this and apparently they are even developing some resistance to diatomaceous earth. The only sure fire treatments described are extreme heat or cold. It's a pretty horrifying situation we've made for ourselves.

A lawsuit when 23 states were already doing it? GOP's voter rolls are going to grow too.

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I'm hoping the Fediverse unites behind the Fuck Meta position. Not just no, but Hell no.

Well it's not really numerically the same as voting for the candidate you hate the most, it's numerically the same as not voting. And to be honest, it really only matters if you're in a potential swing state. And I'm saying this as someone who still votes despite having lived in a deep red state where my presidential vote always doesn't matter (but I go anyway because down ballot votes do matter and I might as well vote the whole ballot).

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I don't understand how Apple still has such massive foreheads and cutouts on the top of their screen. How do people know at a glance which apps have unread notifications?

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Well, I don't know about you, but I haven't been particularly impressed by the results that an already dumb populace has achieved recently in America. So America getting even dumber doesn't particularly bode well...

We ought to be concerned about the numbers even if there's not much we can do about the kids entering adulthood.

I certainly am in favor of a popular vote for president. The only reason anyone would want the president elected by a convoluted system whereby our votes don't directly count toward who we want to represent us all is because the system is currently benefiting their side disproportionately. The only reasons the electoral college exists at this point are to give some states an outsized weight on the end result and to override the will of the people in the form of faithless electors. But electors could've prevented the disastrous Trump presidency and chose not to, so if they're going to rubber stamp an unpopular and unqualified candidate, they are not fulfilling their original purpose.

The only way I'm in favor of keeping the electoral college is if we uncap the size of the House of Representatives (which I think we should do anyway). The House no longer represents the makeup of the entire American public because it's now unnaturally skewed conservative and each representative represents over 700,000 constituents. If we'd kept expanding the House about the same rate we used to (and should), we'd have almost 700 representatives. This system is increasingly unfair and undemocratic.

Eyewitnesses are notoriously unreliable at picking people out of a lineup as well. But I can kind of understand how if two unreliable systems point to the same person, that could be seen as enough for an arrest. It shouldn't have taken nearly as long for her to be cleared of any charges, however.

If Reddit were to reach out privately to this group, the first thing they'd probably do is ask for proof. It's trivially easy to provide proof you've carried out a hack; you just present some specific information that was not public and describe what all else you have in specific enough terms they know you're not bluffing. (Or, I suppose you could just send them your whole dump if you really want to make it clear what all you have). The only way the rest of us will be able to validate these claims is if they leak and it either matches users' own private account info or Reddit issues a disclosure about the hack (which I'm pretty sure they're supposed to do regardless).

18 is old enough to give them a rifle.

Actually 17 with parental consent.

I know I'm late to the game commenting in here, but I think it's important to distinguish whether we're talking about people merely adding descriptors to their NSFW posts or whether we're talking about a whole tagging system being implemented into the Lemmy protocol. Adding a full fledged tagging system to Lemmy similar to Mastodon would be a pretty big undertaking. But anything short of that would feel like a kludgey, bolted-on solution. The NSFW flag + user added descriptors is the only way for users to go about it for now.

I do think a conversation about adding tags into Lemmy is worthwhile because tags could potentially allow for a lot of neat things. E.g. we might eventually be able to start making custom feeds by aggregating content from multiple similar communities across instances. It would also let users filter tags they don't want to see at all (regardless of whether it's NSFW) or don't want to see by default (i.e. blur the images until they're selected). But I know the Lemmy devs probably don't want it to end up looking like a Reddit/Mastodon hybrid or just become kbin, so this is something they'll consider carefully. I think right now they're rightly focused on database and federation performance and the broader dev community is helping with more immediate needs like spam account mitigation. They've gotta stop the bleeding and get a solid foundation established before building major changes like a full fledged tagging system.

Calibre is a fantastic and underrated tool.

I used to love IRC and have a fair amount of nostalgia for it. That said, a post advocating for IRC that doesn't even mention Matrix is failing to discuss the best replacement for IRC. Matrix is the IRC killer. After using Matrix, I don't understand how anyone could want to go back to IRC with its net splits, non persistent chat history, lack of rich text, etc.

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I know some creators that are moving to Substack and it really seems like a good way forward for certain content. I can't blame folks for leaving, I'd be pissed if a platform caused me to miss out on income.

They got here from Reddit 5 minutes earlier, so that makes them OG lemmings and gives them the right to shit on the latecomers, don't you know? 😉

That would require Musk to either be intelligent or willing to listen to people who are and I'm unconvinced he's either.

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Yeah, you can also take this opportunity to try out some other apps that are popping up. Liftoff is really active right now and should be backwards compatible with Lemmy 0.17.x

Lol, they're 100% going to lose me as a customer. The only reason I used them as a registrar was because it was quick and easy to integrate into Google Workspaces and manage everything like DNS from one site. This is honestly a pretty annoying move.

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What you're describing is only possible on de-anonymized platforms that essentially have "know your customer" type policies where users have to provide some kind of proof of their identity. While I agree that there is value in social spaces where everyone generally knows the people they're interacting with are who they say they are, I don't think this is ever going to be feasible in a federated social platform. I think Facebook is the closest thing we have to what you're describing, to be honest, and I believe Meta has even kicked around having a more sandboxed Instagram for minors (though I don't use Instagram, so I'm not certain on the details there).

For me, in most cases on a platform like Lemmy, a person's age is not something I care about. I care about what people are sharing and saying. But then again, none of my interests for online discussion at this point in my life are really age centric. I think there are clearly better platforms than Lemmy if people want to guarantee they're only interacting within their age specific peer groups.

I'd honestly look for an alternative financial institution that either has an app that implements whatever security they think they need or doesn't implement this DRM bullshit for their website.

Yeah, except Bernie's supporters voted for Hillary at higher rates than Hillary folks voted for Obama, so maybe Hillary, her dumb fucking insecure email server, her lack of personality, and the DNC who helped her cheat her way through primary debates are the real ones to blame, not the progressives. She was a terrible candidate who the right hated and independents didn't like much better and she proved she was a terrible candidate by losing to the worst Republican candidate in the last hundred years. She had all the help she should've needed from progressives.