Is world peace possible or are we doomed to struggle? to – 73 points –

I was thinking about how we (USA) are always in continuous (ghost) wars and never try to negotiate for peace, to my knowledge.

How would a peaceful world look like?

One country and one languague or would a world power have to forcibly join everyone together?


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Believe it or not, we're living in the most peaceful period of human history thus far. I'd recommend the book The Better Angels of Our Nature by Steven Pinker which talks about how far we've come. That said, I see the threat of global warming, lack of fresh water, famine, and energy scarcity becoming threats to the current status quo, though. If we don't figure some things out as a species, we're likely in for some turbulent times in the next hundred years.

Lack of fresh water and energy scarcity is already becoming a problem in Africa iirc.

I had the impression that those struggles have been going on for a long time. Like 30+ years.

Is the issue growing worse, or was the previous struggle sensationalized to an extent?