This AI generated ad on the front page of a newspaper. Can you find what is wrong with it? to – 255 points –

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For sure, hands are generally getting better, but they are still a persistent problem. Mostly you need a prompter who isn't lazy and is actually looking at the outputs.

That would require paying someone to work, which is what they want to eliminate with AI.

The AI checks the AI, it's recursive and we're part of the simulation.

And next year, the AI will check us due to being embedded into our minds. Can't have any rogue humans

That's how we reach singularity

Right, but the person who prompted this image exists right now and their job will exist for the foreseeable future, so they need to not suck at their job until they're no longer needed. I personally don't see generative AI gaining the creative ability to define its own prompts in the near future, even if its generative outputs improve to the point where you don't need an experienced prompter to ensure that hands aren't deformed. Prompters are still going to be needed for highly specific prompts.