Alaska Airlines flight forced to make emergency landing after window blows out in mid-air to – 310 points –
Alaska Airlines flight forced to make emergency landing after window blows out in mid-air

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calling me annoying doesn't change whether what im saying is true

No one is arguing that you're wrong. You can be right and still annoying about it.

You're not opening anyone's minds on this. You're just being one of the echos in the chamber and turning away people who support your cause.

It's the same as being one of those annoying vegans. Like, no shit factory farming is bad, but the average person isn't really in any position to make those changes.

>the average person isn’t really in any position to make those changes.

yet I'm told voting blue will make all the difference in there world.

Voting blue these days is just voting for kinda democracy over fascism.

democrats are fascists, too.

Lol, ok.

this is an appeal to ridicule, not a rebuttal

If you actually think both sides are equally bad, then you're not worth rebutting.

if you aren't engaging with intellectual honesty, you might want to try facebook or twitter or reddit

You aren't worth engaging with intellectual honesty.

Anyone delusional enough to even insinuate that both parties are the same doesn't have a firm grasp on reality, and I don't have any interest in expending the energy to fail to break that delusion.

There isn't a discussion to be had, because you're objectively wrong.