Does wind power cause visual pollution in your opinion? to Ask – 98 points –

I remember reading somewhere (probably my high school textbook) that one of the reasons people don't like wind power being built is they cause visual pollution.

In my opinion, I think it would be pretty cool to just look out my window and see a giant windmill there, the opposite of visual pollution.


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You get used to them, and in a way look very cool because of their use and what they represent. Although I wouldn't like to see them in a natural reserve.

I have another neat use for them. Since I can see some out of my window and use this sight to check wind direction and plan my bike route to have tail wind on the end of the route!

Wait, do they rotate to face the wind or something? If so, that's awesome and I never noticed

Not always. Some are designed for areas with a prevailing wind and deal with smaller direction changes using pitch (angle) of the blades