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Joined 1 years ago

Born in the late 70s, I only recall being bored when my parents made me go to mass, or waiting while they did adult stuff like going to the bank.

Horsing around with my brother or playing with the Casio stopwatch kept us sane.

At home it was TV, Legos, music and bikes

Some easy examples you can relate to:

  • do you work overtime, even for a minute, and don't get paid for it? Wage theft!
  • does your company make fun of people using their allowed days off, making you not use them? Wage theft!
  • does your company make you buy tools required for your job, because the ones available are shit or non existant? Wage theft!
  • does your boss call you during your days off, holidays or vacations? Wage theft!
  • are you assigned tasks that are more suited to a higher compensation level, but don't see a dime? Wage theft!
  • are your coffee and lunch breaks interrupted early or entirely canceled and not compensated? Again, wage theft!
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Teletransportation is just killing and recreation of a new being.


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I used an Ubuntu Phone as my daily for about 6 months.

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Myth: code can be ugly as long as it works, don't spend company time on making it look good or on minor optimizations.

The truth is that you can tell when effort has been put into a job. Even if it just works, the lack of discipline means that in the end it will be difficult to maintain and probably will fail in unexpected situations.

Every language has its conventions, but if I spot more than a line of separation between blocks of code, that is a common telltale sign of noob. Run from that shit.

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155.000€ for new 5 bedroom 200+ m2 duplex in my small town in Spain.

No HOAs! supermarkets and schools are in walking distance ;)

Cheapest is around 30K, but why bother?

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Technicalities aside, TS is being pushed by MSFT in their SaaS custom components, and that right there will keep it relevant a while. MSFT is known for changing names a lot, but not for killing technologies.

After over 5 years of writing TS, I have had to do plain JS sometimes, and it is scary. It feels like walking blindfold. I'm spoiled.

Keeping people that don't like to drive off the roads is only a good thing.

I don't see a problem here.

Not the installation strictly speaking, but my most "funny" fuckup was setting up xfree86. There was a configuration for crt monitor scan frequency that you had to setup. I messed up something and the monitor started to squeel like crazy and quickly hit hard reset in panic.

The monitor didn't die, but it had a slight high pitch noise to it after.

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You get used to them, and in a way look very cool because of their use and what they represent. Although I wouldn't like to see them in a natural reserve.

I have another neat use for them. Since I can see some out of my window and use this sight to check wind direction and plan my bike route to have tail wind on the end of the route!

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I took WFH for higher pay in 2013. It makes sense because I'm more productive without the noise, uncomfortable lighting, interruptions and subpar hardware.

Not conidering going back to office unless things change A LOT

Software Engineer and Bike mechanic here. Since this community is filled with computer geeks, I'll stick to some bike knowledge that you should know.

  • Tire logo should line up with valve stem. It looks nice and allows to find the stem really fast.
  • To seat a stubborn tire, try some water and dish soap on the bead.
  • To lube a chain correctly, you must clean and dry it first. I use biodegradable deagreaser and shop air. If you can twist the chain and feels gritty, clean and dry again.
  • Avoid non bike chain lubes on chain. Using WD40 on a chain does more harm than good.
  • After a ride, apply a finger dab of suspension oil to fork and shock and cycle the suspension a few times to push the grime from the seals, and wipe it off.
  • Get a good chain wear tool. Catching a worn chain on time can save a lot, by not having to replace expensive chainrings and cassettes.
  • Don't get a bike specific toolset, because half of the tools you won't use. Make your own toolset base on what you need. Nobody needs a crank extractor or a axle cone spanners anymore. Start with a decent hex set (2 to 8mm), small torque wrench, brake bleed kit, presta valve extractor, shock pump, 25Torx bit, tire levers, chain breaker, chain wear tool, cassette extractor + chain whip, adjustable wrench, cutters and assorted screwdrivers and pliers. And a floor pump. From there it just goes on, but it will be for specific uses on forks, hub, rims, etc.

Came up recently... cupholders in cars. You really have to drink in the car while driving?

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Doritos. My dad brought home some bags from USA and instantly got hooked on that shit. Fast forward a decade and now with money and selling locally, I ate them until I got sick.

Def 7, it was the first OS used at work that turned invisible.. It didn't need constant defragging, optimizing or registry hacks like 98, 2000 or XP used to. It was a workhorse.

That said, I haven't used 11 yet. My company just announced that this year all PCs will stay on 10 for the foreseeable future.

Quantum entanglement. Having two particles latched in the same state even if separated by light years distance is something I currently cannot believe. Maybe too dumb, but my belief is that it 'has' to be some experiment error.

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On the other hand, if you are buying cheap it's usually because you aren't familiar with the product and it's characteristics. So you can take it as the price for learning about said product and what you really want from it.

For example, I got a cheap electric scooter for my wife on her birthday. We are new to these things, and didn't even know if we would use it at all. Fast forward a year and we have used the crap out of it, even the kids can't stop taking it out for a spin, and we now know what to look for and what sort of power and features we want when it comes time to replace it.

Quite bad. This was over 10 years ago so the details are muddy... It was on BQ hardware and the first weeks it couldn't even work outside on GSM or 3G (or whatever was at the time). It was clearly developed and tested solely on Wifi. Using cellular connection make it fall apart and constantly hang.

Then it never was able to get WhatsApp working. Everyone uses WhatsApp, and had to get by using old SMS or whoever I got to trick to install the then unknown Telegram.

Eventually got tired and got back to an Android phone. An Alcatel if I recall correctly.

After some time, BQ offered a way to revert the hardware back to its Android version, did that and had a backup for many years.

It was a very messy and buggy launch, but being on the bleeding edge, it's expected. If they had offered a WhatsApp app I would have hung on way longer, it was the only deal breaker.

When I was about 12, my father brought from the airbase thrift shop two books of the "Tell me why" series. It blew my mind knowing how stuff, iI never paid attention to, worked.

From then on I knew that there was an explanation for almost everything, it just required looking for the right book :⁠-⁠)

They can't be set next to residential areas for many reasons. One freak reason most people don't know is that ice can accumulate on the tip of the blades and get thrown into the air. Having a 5kg ice blocks randomly falling on your house isn't nice.

Last finished was Black mesa few months ago, and had a blast remembering playing HL1 and 2 in the day. Just to show you don't need the best graphics to enjoy.

Prior to that was Metros Exodus, and it was one of those games you remember well after a year of playing.

In between, I have started RDR2 but can't get to keep it going, I'm not hooked on that one.

Edit: Played Stray with my son on his ps5 and was really great! Had me wanting more.

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One line is fine if used wisely, everybody does it for readability. The issue is when you need more than one.

I finally got myself a pihole up and running. Yeah and the regular stuff.. ditched reddit, got protonmail and trying to move my kids to using popos.

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I learnt (the hard way):

  • There are electrified fences
  • You don't learn to wheelie while clipped in
  • Some dogs shouldn't be touched
  • Binging on sugar free candy will keep you close to the toilet.

Just recently I found out that my new razer mouse can enable/disable scroll wheel indexation by pressing the small button next to it.

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Ulefone Armor 21 has a RGB notification led on the front and a light ring on the back.

It also has audio jack and get this.. FM radio!

It also weighs as much as my bed, but I wouldn't want anything else!

In this situation the magnets act much like a spring, so imagine changing the magnets on the stick and the car for a simple spring. That is much more easier to visualize.

Minimal Tecno music videos

Yup, 700/700Mb. Also wimax but that only gets up to 25Mb

I recall Louis Rossmann saying something along those lines, and sounded perfectly reasonable to me.

We have a budget for streaming services. ATM Netflix, HBO max and Showtime. About 20€ a month. Me and my wife like a good classic flick every now and then, so the two latter stay. The kids eat up crap Netflix series like candy. Everytime they ask to get prime or Disney they have the choice to give up Netflix to change.. but they don't.

If ads come, or the price goes up too much will consider canceling. Until then, it suits our wants.

Haven't seen it listed so here I present..

My Mechanics

Swiss guy restores random stuff to better than new. Posts about 4 or 5 times a year, but the quality is up to 11

I get it, it makes you feel that you have the control on whatever is happening and certainly feels cool to successively heel-and-toe and rev match. But a gearbox (man or auto) has always been a mechanical band-aid for a motor system with a narrow torque band. On electric motors this isn't necessary and adding simulated shifting is just adding a layer of complexity for no real reason.

Of course I'm speaking of theory and mechanics, people have their own idea of what's best sometimes don't follow logic, and that's fine!

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Being fluent in English and native Spanish, my first choice would be Chinese, because it opens your reach to another half of the world. But a language I would really like to learn is Japanese.

Yeah, monitors were somewhat dumb, just received and did what the vga output asked to do.

The noise most likely came from the semiconductors that controlled the magnet field that directed the rays onto the screen. These components are selected for a specific speed that the monitor can handle. So going under or over it's spec can make something resonate in the audible range, and could even destroy the components if stressed too much.

The thing is that for each resolution and refresh rate you had two values to configure, one for the vertical speed in Hz, and horizontal speed in kHz. These values were usually specified in the owners manual. Typos can happen, and this was quite a risky operation.

A 19" monitor was quite big for the day, and expensive! I hope your gf didn't beat you up too much for that :)

I only use 2 PCs with windows. An old laptop with XP I use for vehicle diagnostics and repair manuals, and a Win10 laptop my employer lent me for work. Option number 1 for both.

Picture 18 y/o me in the 90's with my new Marin Bear Valley SE and trick wellgo clipless pedals. No YouTube at the time, so had to figure stuff out intuitively... so I started to practice doing wheelies (while clipped in), and before you know it, I overshoot it a bit and my inexperience getting loose from the pedals had me land hard on my back.

Now doing tricks with the bike is second nature, but it did take some bruises. Just remember to cover the rear brake ;)

I recall having the image not found error last time. A mix of creating the USB with another program and tinkering with bios solved the issue. Sorry can't be more specific, but Linux is all about tinkering, so have fun :)

I'm in a mixed case, I do use bone conducting headphones that are wireless when on my bike, because ear headphones are a 100€ fine I would like to avoid. Well, also use a Cardo on my motorbike..

But on the treadmill or at home I use some good quality wired earbuds, with thick ribbon cable that doesn't tangle up. It is just confortable for me and one less thing to charge and throw away after the batt says goodbye.

The phone: Ulefone Armor 21.

Not really to impress, but everybody likes a good paella.

Easier on a gas than with embers as I tried the latter for first time and was quite challenging.

Just ask first if everybody is ok throwing in rabbit or chicken, not everyone is fond of rabbit.