Red Sea crisis from Houthi attacks hits world trade as cost of shipping soars by 170% to World – 311 points –
Red Sea crisis from Houthi attacks hits world trade as cost of shipping soars by 170%

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Vietnam was justified

The absolute historical ignorance Americans put themselves through to preserve the patriotism. You really gotta shove your head deep into the sand to have never gotten a history lesson on Vietnam.

Who invaded who in Vietnam? South Vietnam was invaded first. Thats kind what spurred US involvement. Your head is so far up some Russian trolls ass that you forgot history

The US was had troops in South Vietnam since it was founded. It was a rump French puppet state with incredibly corrupt catholic government that was persecuting the Buddhist minorities. The north was made up of the national forces that kicked the French out. They had every right to overthrow the southern government.

This isnt russian troll position. Americans were saying this enmasse the start of the Vietnam war. American protestors died to stop that war. Draftees killed their officers frequently over it. Read anything about it.

Like do you think the Confederates were justified because the Union invaded them?

It’s not the same. The north and south didn’t sign an agreement a year before saying that the south was free to leave and be its own country before being invaded. It just illegally left because it wanted to own humans. Sovereignty was granted to both the north and south of Vietnam and that still wasn’t enough.

North Vietnam only recognized south Vietnam under international threat. Besides, if Buchanan had signed such a treaty before Lincoln entered office would you then have sided with the south? Are treaties really the moral arbiter in this situation?

Point is you can't really "invade" your own country. They're both Vietnam. The north had a moral duty to support their oppressed brethren in the south. If that means sending troops to support then so be it. Claiming moral outrage over this because they "invaded" their own country is a childish form of morality that strips all historical context.

For how oppressed they all were, why do they suddenly have such great opinions of their so-called oppressors? Vietnam has a very high opinion of the U.S.

Buddy we weren't ruling southern Vietnam. But we were propping up a wildly corrupt puppet government in the south. Once we gave up on that, they found us useful to play off China and still do. They dont really care about us.

Vietnamese independence is a long saga. First fighting against the French, then with the Japanese against the French, then against the Japanese, then against the French again, then against the US, then against China.