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Joined 11 months ago

using a pepe to post this is letting the mask slip a bit there bud.

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I suspect BlueMAGA are Trump-to-Biden voters. Like this is Project Lincoln bullshit.

Patrol Cop once told me a joke about how he ran over a black kids bike. When got back to the station he saw the kid at the desk trying to report the incident. He'd carried his busted up bike the entire way. The cop behind the desk called out "Hey Rob, did you run over this kid's bike?". "Nope". Case closed. No report filed.

Edit: PS: This was one of the "good ones". He voted Clinton in 2016 because the rival faction in the Union was showing up to Trump rallies in class A's. Took him the entire Trump admin but he works retail now.

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We let almost all manufacturing jobs go overseas just to cut labor costs and now we're suffering the consequences and our government completely incapable of doing what's necessary to bring that manufacturing capability back to the US. At this point basic Keynesians economic policy is tantamount to heresy for anyone but the far left. Its like we've adopted the economic policies we forced on third world nations, and found ourselves with a third world economy.

Being able to produce cheap drones as good as DJIs is far more important for national security than whatever espionage risk they pose. Cheap, easy to use, drones like the dji phantom are omnipresent in current wars. Banning them prevents us from learning via competition or basic reverse engineering.

git is a way more important contribution to the world that the linux kernel IMO. Its basically the assembly line of almost all modern software production. And Linus actually wrote most of the initial code for it. With Linux he organized the project but was almost immediately not a major contributor. He developed git in the process of maintaining the linux repo.

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Sounds easier to opt out of those mailers entirely. There's a website sponsored by the FTC to do it. But you can only opt out of 5 years online. To do it permanently you must print out and mail in the form.

AFAIK it works but it reeks of bullshit. First its a .com but its what the FTC recommends. It seems like the feds forced the credit companies to make the website and their really upset that your missing all these credit opportunities. Maybe they lower your credit score if you actually fill it out.

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The revelation comes from a trove of documents recently discovered by US researchers inside a computer server housed in North Korea.

New double speak word drop.

Media attention is a failed outdated tactic.

The proposal states that in each city, we will identify and blockade major choke points in the economy, focusing on points of production and circulation with the aim of causing the most economic impact, as did the port shutdowns in recent months in Oakland, California and Melbourne, Australia, as just a few examples.

Hurting the rich's pocket books is the only language they respect. Now I'm not sure blocking roads is the most effective form of this tactic. Usually you use labor unions. But they're probably just working with what they have.

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I'm very suspicious of the uses cases for this. If the compiled bash code is unreadable then what's the point of compiling to bash instead of machine code like normal? It might be nice if you're using it as your daily shell but if someone sent me "compiled" bash code I wouldn't touch it. My general philosophy is if your bash script gets too long, move it to python.

The only example I can think of is for generating massive

We can stipulate that they are for "defensive purposes only". Like we did for Saudi Arabia in Yemen.

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Biden and his senior advisers are highly concerned an Israeli response to Iran's attack on Israel would lead to a regional war with catastrophic consequences, U.S. officials said.

But thats what Israel wants. Thats why they attacked Iran in the first place.

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It was funny to him. It was the moment he realized he could get away with crime.

(Saudi Arabia killed ~400k yemeni's with our "defensive weapons")

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This loony bullshit is why tankies go full useful idiot and parrot shit most of them know isn't true. The right-wing disinfo about Tianamen square - or any other communist atrocity - is so widespread. Tankies think that the most ultra counter-narrative will somehow combat that even if its just as loony.

This is an uninstructive conversation. We do not need this sort of shit stirring about this topic because it is important.

Do not show up to a protest with a gun either alone or unannounced. Thats just Rittenhouse behaviour. Be a part of a militia or with some group, and contact the event organizers before arriving. They'll probably tell your group to wait in a near by location and to be called when needed.

Also getting beat up is the point of these protests. Columbia unreasonably responded with violence against their own students and faculty. It was a total blunder that they made habitually. Making them fascists drop their masks for everyone to see is the goal here.

“Zionists” = Jews, an entire people

Are you unaware that anti-zionist Jews exist or do you deny their Jewishness?

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Bibi doesnt care what Biden says because Biden will never actually cut off the arm shipments.

The US could also do more like actually sanction Israel for committing genocide.

Aren't these the ultra-orthodox that are exempt from military service? Isnt is a major liberal israeli position that these people be conscripted?

So the israelis most explicitly calling for genocide dont want to do it themselves. And the opposition is "no you have to participate in the genocide", thinking that'll somehow shut them up. But then they do participate and just go nuts.

Protesting Israel is considered antisemitism in Germany even if you're Jewish. Real antisemitism is also on the rise but all pro-Palestinian protests are also lumped in. Anti-Zionist jews (Jewish Voice for Peace, etc) always on the forefront of these marches.

I know your being sarcastic but I just want to point out that this is incorrect

here is no genocide if you don’t kill them with the intention to wipe them from the planet

If you plan to cull a demographic by only 10% its still genocide according to the UN. This is the definition that South Africa's case at the ICJ will be ruled under. Under this definition all ethnic cleansing requires genocide.

Manic episode, part 3

[The law] obliges media and civil society organisations with over 20% of their revenues from abroad to register as “organisations serving the interests of a foreign power”.


You're basically describing the situation we've been in since the Nahkba in 1948.

My method names are the same way but I aggressively sort things into modules etc so it comes out the other way.

But if I was staring down dozens of these methods and no way to organize them, I'd start doing the sorted names just for ease of editing. L

How do those nuclear generators work without steam?

The groups were:[1][2][3]

  • Landlords (地主; dìzhǔ)
  • Rich farmers (富农; fùnóng)
  • Counter-revolutionaries (反革命; fǎngémìng)
  • Bad influencers ["bad elements"] (坏分子; huàifènzǐ)
  • Right-wingers (右派; yòupài)

The French revolution claimed all men were created equal yet oppressed the noble clergy classes.

You were supposed to use plastic coffee straws not a hard piece of metal. Turn a $1 bag of 100 straws into $25-$100 in laundry change depending on how much your reuse the straws.

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Its like if subroutine bar could say its going to execute at line N of routine foo. But if you were just reading foo then you'd have no clue that it would happen.

You can simulate this effect with bad inheritance patterns.

  • Yemen: I'm blockading the Red Sea to stop the genocide in Gaza.
  • US: Iran, please tell Yemen to stop.
  • Iran: lol no, this is righteous.

Somehow this makes them Iran's puppets. Oh well, guess we'll have to do "Operation Enduring Freedom part 2: Prosperity Guardian". Can't just tell Bibi to stop.

I think the bigger problem is Germany arresting Jews for antisemitism.

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Media attention is a consequence of success that activists mistake for success itself. If you start seeking it out you'll get caught in the trap of trying to control how the networks present you when you can't control the networks at all. Pretty soon you're doing useless shit like trying to levitate the Pentagon. Or worse, volunteering to get arrested en-masse.

Vietnam was justified

The absolute historical ignorance Americans put themselves through to preserve the patriotism. You really gotta shove your head deep into the sand to have never gotten a history lesson on Vietnam.

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But the thing is saying "Joe Biden is committing genocide" actively harms your own aims of electing Joe Biden, regardless of whatever your argument is.

So the only rational decision is to stfu about it or start doing genocide apology or denial.

Or you can have a moral spine I guess.

They flew in with a Palestinian flag on their helicopter. Their own flag say's death to Israel and America; the nations doing the genocide and sponsoring the genocide. And all of this is after they just survived a genocide at the hands of the Saudi's with US bombs and went on to win the war.

Maybe, just maybe, they mean what they say.

Effective tactics but I'm not sure they have the strength to pull it off. Its extremely high risk so unless you have a critical mass of protestors only the most ardent supporters will show up and probably be outnumbered by cops.

But I'm arm chair generaling here. I want to believe. Hope they have a bailfund set up.

You avoid having mutable state as much as possible. This is a pretty standard concept these days.

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The US was had troops in South Vietnam since it was founded. It was a rump French puppet state with incredibly corrupt catholic government that was persecuting the Buddhist minorities. The north was made up of the national forces that kicked the French out. They had every right to overthrow the southern government.

This isnt russian troll position. Americans were saying this enmasse the start of the Vietnam war. American protestors died to stop that war. Draftees killed their officers frequently over it. Read anything about it.

Immutable members. Set in constructor then read only. The Builder pattern is acceptable if you're language is an obstacle.

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There isn't a central planning but I'd expect an increase in stochastic terror attacks. Fertilizer bombs, shooting up a substation, etc.