LinkedIn Isn't Just for Jobs Anymore. It's Now a Dating App Too. to – 213 points –
Wait, has LinkedIn become a dating app?

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Was it ever for jobs?

Been an active user for well over 5 years and not one interaction has resulted in a job.

A bunch of people acting like they were hiring, sure.

I landed my last two jobs (and in that timeframe another four offers and probably a dozen recruitment pitches I seriously entertained to some degree or other) via LinkedIn, either via contact with colleagues or messages from recruiters. Granted that I'm in a niche specialty of a relatively small profession, but for me LinkedIn has been the most reliable source of job offers for at least a decade. Many of the "better" options really only serve fields like the tech industry, or are so dominated by listings for tech jobs that have appropriated my industry's professional titles that it's impossible to sort any signal from the noise.

A former co-worker messaged me via LinkedIn to tell me about a job (that I got). But other than that... No use.

I've gotten multiple offers from things that began on LinkedIn. At least five, probably more. I accepted one.

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