Cyberpunk 2077’s Expansion Will Add New (Maybe Happier?) Ending to – 12 points –
Cyberpunk 2077’s Expansion Will Add New (Maybe Happier?) Ending

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  1. How can you hate punctuation?
  2. Do you work, and how do you communicate there if you don't use punctuation?

I hate it cause it's annoying takes more time and is unnecessary and I've never understood it it's some stupid game someone invented ages ago and now everyone's brainwashed themselves into going along with it there's plenty of languages that don't have punctuation and they're fine but magically when we don't have it some people get their knickers in a twist and no I don't work and I don't have any issue communicating with most people just every month or 2 some random person gets really bothered by it for some reason and feels the need to moan at me about it but like 99% of people just do not care and I don't think even notice

You're only using punctuation because you've been brainwashed

Was not a take I was expecting in this thread