Cyberpunk 2077’s Expansion Will Add New (Maybe Happier?) Ending to – 12 points –
Cyberpunk 2077’s Expansion Will Add New (Maybe Happier?) Ending

A Happy ending? Wrong guys, wrong city.

personally I disagree the happy ending should exist in the form of giving up not in winning and beating the corps but even in the base game I went with the rogue ending cause I didn't want any of the aldecaldos to get hurt but then it decides for me my character took over the afterlife and neglected judy why didn't I after getting Johnny out of my head and winning my few months just leave night city with judy and the aldecaldos like in that ending why can I not just get my few months and that's it it's not much of a win or even a major happy ending but why on earth is there no choice to not have anyone die and just go in as the borderline cyberpsycho you are kill smasher then just leave and live those few months you have left the best you can

Dude, no offense, but please add some punctuation to your comments. No one is going to read what looks like word soup.

you are not the first person to say this by a long shot I refuse too I hate punctuation

  1. How can you hate punctuation?
  2. Do you work, and how do you communicate there if you don't use punctuation?

I hate it cause it's annoying takes more time and is unnecessary and I've never understood it it's some stupid game someone invented ages ago and now everyone's brainwashed themselves into going along with it there's plenty of languages that don't have punctuation and they're fine but magically when we don't have it some people get their knickers in a twist and no I don't work and I don't have any issue communicating with most people just every month or 2 some random person gets really bothered by it for some reason and feels the need to moan at me about it but like 99% of people just do not care and I don't think even notice

You're only using punctuation because you've been brainwashed

Was not a take I was expecting in this thread

So you just arbitrarily decided you want to make it harder for other people to interact with you, to bring down the quality of content here, just to feel special or something? It's just going to get you blocked, nothing more.

k go ahead I'm not trying to feel special it's not some gimmick I decided on for attention this is just how I write I've written this way my entire life I just refuse to use it the internet doesn't have to be some perfectly formatted essay I'm not bringing down any quality you sanctimonious moron just get over yourself

You're free to make comments how you please in regards to punctuation, but please remember that one of the core values of Beehaw is to Be(e) Nice to others. Calling someone a sanctimonious moron does not fit that ethos.

I would be pretty disappointed in CDPR if the game gets a real "happy" ending. I don't think it fits the theme of the game or the setting, and they telegraph that from the beginning.

I dunno, I don't really get the appeal of everything having to be so dark and gloomy and hopeless. It felt like they had to go out of their way to make everything look shittier than it actually is in cp2077, more than it would actually make sense.

Story spoilers: ::: spoiler spoiler Like you're really telling me that we get so powerful and influential to be able to kidnap leaders of arasaka, kill their godlike cyberpsycho guardian, break into top research facitilies, facilitate help from a god damn AI, have the best fixer in NC willing to give her life for us... and there is still nobody that can help us with the relic or find an alternative like download us into a clone body or sth? :::

not really the genre for happy endings, but ok

I want to hope this will make me want to play Cyberpunk again but I think it's too far gone for me.