It is essential to stop using Chrome. Under the pretense of saving users from third-party spyware, Google is creating an ecosystem in which Chrome itself is the spyware. to – 2253 points –

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I guess it was more of a general statement. I didn't intend to target you specifically, just a trend I've seen. I've seen people link to statements made by Mozilla about things like supporting LGBT+ rights, and taking issue with that sort of thing, or who say they don't care if the Brave CEO is actively disseminating bigotry. Y'know, the type of person who watches the Quartering and complains that we've become too "woke" and too sensitive.

I don't think you should feel guilty. Even if you're one of the people I'm describing above, I don't think you should feel guilty. I just think you should opt to change. According to every therapist I've seen, guilt is pretty counterproductive for everyone involved.

I'm all for LGBT+ people rights and whatever. Eich is not my friend and I don't agree with his personal views. Still, the "tool" they make is more appealing for me than competing "tools", so...

I don't actually feel guilty, of course. That was just an overstatement. you will actively support a bigot.

Finished that statement for you.

You are part of the problem. I'm done talking to you, but I do hope you get better.

Lol the sense of superiority from you is hilarious.

He uses Brave, therefore he is a bigot homophobe.

Sadly it is not difficult to find people following this logic on Lemmy.

No, I said he is actively supporting a bigot, because he is, which to me is unethical and unconscionable.

Stop putting words in my mouth.

Edit: It's always hilarious to me when these people go off about how I'm aCtInG sUpErIoR just because I adhere to the bare minimum of empathetic choices. Says a lot more about them than it does about me.

I've also noticed most of these shitlord accounts are from They don't vet their application at all, huh? Just let anyone in.

Actively supporting a bigot envolves a bit more than just using a browser, to which most people are oblivious of who created it or what is ther stance on X matter.

And yes, it's the instance not filtering their users that is the problem. But nice try, buddy!

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Nice way to deflect the discussion, using the "bigotry card" is what Mozilla's fans love to play.

You know, I think even people who are politically at my antipodes have a right to a job and a salary. But whatever. Have a nice day.

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