45 Post – 1019 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Account abandoned due to dbzer0 members disparaging me for sharing my experiences and trying to provide interesting leftist OC

Companies issuing refunds in the form of gift cards is just straight-up insulting

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Every big web site in 2024 looks like the sites people warned you not to visit in the 90s

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I realize most people who would visit 196 certainly know this, but I still feel compelled to point out that anarchism is entirely incompatible with capitalism.

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3.5mm headphone jack

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It's ironic that if you proclaim to be communist or anarchist, they'll basically blacklist you, yet one of our political parties is also the largest organized hate group in the nation, and we just accept that as normal.

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We don’t want them, and will not accept them, because we Put America First, and ALWAYS WILL!

Directed at members of his own party that don't fall in line. That's not fucking creepy at all. Nope.

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One thing I've learned living in a conservative state in the US is that everything is my fault by proxy

I should just be rich enough to move, how hard can it be

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With all the absurd turns YouTube and Google have taken, I've been looking at this for five minutes trying to figure out if this is a shitpost

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"How dare that Democrat plant expose my real opinion!"

But seriously, if someone asks about the causes of the American Civil War, and one of the first words out of your mouth isn't "slavery," then "sus" is a generous interpretation of your character and beliefs.

Every Democrat I know irl is a kind, considerate person with empathetic views.

So it's amazing to me that the party seems to go out of its way to find the most horrific ghouls and status quo warriors to set forth in a federal election, especially really fucking important elections

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In addition to piracy, I've also been checking out DVDs from my local library. It's kinda fun.

Surprised myself because I half expected I'd miss the convenience of Netflix, but I haven't missed it even a little.

"Was I a good streaming platform?"


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Even naming heroin and LSD in the same breath is laughably unhinged

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Alternatively, you can use Bulk Crap Uninstaller, which is a super useful tool for uninstalling nearly anything!

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It's crucial that you walk in without fear, because the animals can smell fear and will devour you

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I knew a kid who'd go door to door in neighborhoods requesting donations for the poor.

In his mind he was being honest because he was "the poor"

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As for funding, the servers are supported on a donation basis, with no big corporations behind them. This leads to a problem concerning user data and privacy, as there isn't a single accountable entity behind the network.

Bit of a weird take now, isn't it?

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Valve allows this?

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Please don't do this. It's ok to be late.

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Every new fact I learn about Stonewall makes me respect the people who were involved even more.

Then I'm left with no choice but to depict myself as the gigachad

I was hoping to avoid such extreme measures

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Liberals be like "I'm gonna drive my pronouns to the Taylor Swift concert to buy more abortions" 😂😂

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"No, this isn't true. Lanes actually do help, and it's crucial I drive my Dodge Ram alone to work every day" - 🤡

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Paid services with ads are unconscionable and should not be supported, but I do watch Tubi or Pluto sometimes, and it's not nearly as bad as the amount of ads I see on my parents' screen with cable

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I don't mean to brag, but my husband can easily sit on a bench for longer than 225 minutes

A "Safer Kentucky Act" that makes it extremely unsafe for one of our nation's most vulnerable groups.

Absolute ghouls.

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What foods are high in vitamin C?

Listing foods could inadvertently encourage dietary changes without regard for allergies, nutritional balance, or medical conditions, possibly impacting individual health and well-being if acted upon without proper guidance from a healthcare professional.

This is great

I'd like to point out that for many of our LGBT+ youth living in hostile places, social media is their safe space. It's tragic that such is the case, but I've seen maps where LGBT+ people post where we're from, and some of them are kids in the middle of a reservation in a town with 20 people, and they're all alone.

As much of a distaste I have for social media use in general, I often think about these kids and the reasons they have for using it.

I'm also well aware of the risks of kids being exploited via social media, but I'm not convinced the best answer is just shutting them off like this.

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I don't have the official app, so I choose to pretend this is a shitpost.

Haha A++ shitpost

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The 15 states that did not apply are Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont and Wyoming.

Fuck paywalls.

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I used to chuckle when the alphabetical order bot on reddit would reply to someone's extremely dark comment with "Would you look at that? All the words in your comment are in alphabetical order!"

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What's wrong babe, you've barely touched your peggsicle

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I hate how some people are fine with it, like "it's okay, he's an actor."

As a middle-aged person, let me just say for everyone's benefit that there is no such thing as a man in his 30s dating a teenager who isn't a creep.

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They were so toxic that the site got noticeably better within 24 hours of them being banned.

They all migrated to Voat. Later, people from r/The_Donald also tried to join voat, but the fat hate people were too toxic even for them!

Yeah, they were awful, awful people.

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Everything the MAGAs post about Biden makes me wish he were who they think he is.

Open borders? I wish.

Taxing the wealthy? I wish.

Defunding the police? I wish.

Completely decriminalizing drugs? I wish.

Socialized healthcare? I wish.

Giving women access to abortion? I wish.

Teaching Critical Race Theory in schools? I wish.

Everything MAGAs complain about is a checklist of what would make a great president. Too bad we've never ever had a single candidate in history who's been remotely like that.

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I don't know, but thats definitely a title seeking clicks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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That's really some insight into why so many people are walking around unhappy. A lot of people have gotten married and even had children because that's what they're "supposed to" do. Same thing with how much emphasis is placed on sexual concepts like "losing your virginity" and shit like that. Like it's supposed to be this big momentous occasion, and if you don't do it soon enough, then something's wrong with you. Like sometimes I think about the ignorant shit asexual people must be exposed to on a regular basis.

And then there's the other extreme as well. My husband and I got married because it's something we legitimately wanted, and marriage is a custom that we never thought we could experience as a gay couple. I think that makes us value it more. It's not something we were "supposed to" do, but something we really wanted, and that was after five years of co-habitating.

I've had people lash out at me because they interpret our marriage as some statement that monogamy is the only valid relationship or that we're dismissing the discrimination that poly people face or something, and such is not the case at all. Our marriage is a personal choice for us, and I'd be the first one to say it's not for everyone. Us being married isn't some grand statement that you should be, too.

I wish we all could get away from this black-and-white idea that everything must be either one way or the other. There are so many ways a relationship might look, and there are also people who are perfectly fine not being in any sort of relationship, and this is all okay.

And on a related note, I wish we had more places and events that weren't centered around the "couple" or "the family," where it's okay to just show up as a single person and have fun. Maybe it's just because I live in a conservative area, but I feel like a lot of things are planned around the idea of a family, and people who don't fit the norm really don't have much to participate in. Like, there are things for people who are still in college, but after that there aren't too many options. I talk to my city council rep about this a lot.

Sorry, that turned into a damn sermon. I didn't expect to write so much lol

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One thing that is not on my bucket list is climbing Mt. Everest. Any natural wonder and charm it once had have been destroyed by mindless tourists.

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Friendly reminder that this could happen anywhere, in any country, if we don't stop fascism the moment we see it