For the second time in recorded history, global sea surface temperatures hit six standard deviations above 1982-2011, on January 6 2024 to World – 761 points –

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If someone comes up with a better alternative I've love to hear it.

So far no one has.

That's a co-op.

They exist in capitalism. There is no reason they are seperate to capitalism. They aren't.

Plenty of co-ops have existed. But in a modern world with globalisation shares are easier to manage than co-ops.

So many alternatives to capitalism.

I'm not watching a 30 minute video from some randomer youtuber.

You'll have to condense it and tell me why if this alternatives are better than capitalism have they never been used and why aren't they being used now?

Well no tankies on this site wants to learn basic economics so why should I listen to some random guy rambling on for 30 minutes.

I don't think it's too much to ask for you to explain coherently and succinctly your point.

The fact you can't shows you're more interesed in spamming easy to copy links in hope that you can overwhelm me with content and beat me into submission. It just shows you have a poor defense and are resorting to other means to win an argument that don't rely on the argument itself.

You’re not worth the time.

It's very easy to be a contrarian if you just point out issues without understanding the system as almost everything in the world has some form of issues. But it is a lot harder to understand than system and fix it and it's a lot harder to understand that system well enough and come up with an alternative. You don't understand capitalism and you don't understand the alternatives.

I think you should learn some economic theory. Maybe go out and buy a economics 101 book or watch some YouTube videos.

Great advice. Maybe I’ll give Das Kapital a try.

Maybe this

I did some research and couldn’t discern if the author was a classical economist, or a proponent of Keynesian or neo-Keynesian economics. Regardless, until the “invisible hand” remedies poverty from wealth inequality and homelessness nonexistent; I’ll stick with Marxism.

Homelessness can be fixed with government spending and capitalist countries has largely fixed homelessness. There always going to be some people that don't want a home forwhatever reason so never going to be 0 unless you lock certain people in their homes.

Well yea we will all have equal weather when we have nothing under Marxism. Not sure that's ideal though.

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