Alaska flight incident reveals another feature Boeing didn’t inform pilots about - Federal investigators said that Boeing didn’t make pilots aware that when a plane rapidly depressurizes, the cockp...

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 218 points –
Alaska flight incident reveals another feature Boeing didn't inform pilots about

Alaska flight incident reveals another feature Boeing didn’t inform pilots about - Federal investigators said that Boeing didn’t make pilots aware that when a plane rapidly depressurizes, the cockp...::undefined


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Aircraft maintenance has been doing the negative pressure unlock tests on cockpit doors for decades, its honestly surprising what isn't common knowledge. Like others have said, rapid decompression of only a portion of the aircraft is very bad, and will result in massive structural failure as individual compartments aren't pressure rated and will blow apart. The doors I've had experience with had large panels that would pop out when in a negative pressure event.

Interesting. Now I'm wondering if the bathroom doors also blow out if there is decompression.

I think my ass would be having a blow out too if that happened