At least 33 Canadian churches have burned to the ground since May 2021. Only 2 were accidents to – 158 points –

CBC News has examined 33 Canadian churches that burned to the ground since May 2021. Just two were ruled accidental.

Investigators have determined that 24 were deliberately set while others are still under investigation. Some researchers and community leaders suggest Canada's colonial history and recent discoveries of potential burial sites at former residential schools may have lit the fuse.



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Hmm are you thinking of libraries? Because libraries and books should definitely not be burned and are a monumentally positive influence on their communities. I would highly recommend checking one out near you and researching the historical relationship between the indigenous people and "the church" so you better understand the context here.

I didn't realize that modern churches had time machines that allowed their congregations to go back in time and inflict horrors upon indigenous peoples

If your modern congregation starts in about how residential schools were a not so bad actually when another bunch of childrens graves is discovered there is admittedly a temptation to burn everything to the ground because God isn't getting around to it fast enough.