
5 Post – 106 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Nature is healing ✨🌱

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Hmm are you thinking of libraries? Because libraries and books should definitely not be burned and are a monumentally positive influence on their communities. I would highly recommend checking one out near you and researching the historical relationship between the indigenous people and "the church" so you better understand the context here.

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Agreed, any mother that would medically torture their own child for years is irredeemable in my book. That being said, I'm glad Gypsy Rose is being released because she should not have been jailed in the first place. She was painted into a corner by her mother when she was "declared unfit" if she called the police they would have likely assumed she's an unreliable witness. That being said, it's awful that her ex is paying the price for her freedom. This to me seems like an open and shut case of "crime of passion" and the sentence doesn't reflect that, at all. It's a terrible situation all around.

This is so wholesome, the world needs to support teachers like this!

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This isn't a "man-made famine" it's literally an ethnic cleansing, the zionists want to wipe the Palestinians off the planet. The ones they don't kill with their guns they want to starve to death. This is a colonist genocide, I am so tired of the media finding all these ridiculous descriptions. It's a genocide. They need to be asking why the hell aren't we stopping these monsters?

This will never stop being funny to me. I love everything in this picture hahah

Ughhh when will something be done about the police problem in this country!?!? This is a self selected group of people who take on a position of authority with virtually no oversight or consequences to blatantly illegal behaviors, this study just confirms what we have all known. Abusers choose positions that provide access to populations to abuse, and policing specifically, empowers and protects the abusers. ACAB

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Jesus was a homeboy, follow his lead: drink wine, hang with the homies, be chill with the hoes, pass the snacks and wreck a market in a mega church.

My siblings in Satan, please don't give in to despair. This youngster has had a lot of support from his teachers, parents, community etc which has allowed him to achieve at this level. He worked hard and accomplished something amazing which deserves to be celebrated. But guess what? You have your own journey in life and maybe you don't have the same level of resources he has, and that's okay, you can still do and accomplish amazing things. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday and take it one step at a time. You've got this ✨🤗

I love how it's a "blessing of a union" and NOT the sacrament of marriage, which would mean they are still "living in sin" but we love you and accept you but winks at the right they aren't married. Separate but equal much? This is hilariously bad pandering and I hope they get flak from all directions. Fuck the catholic church and fuck the vatican.

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Can't wait to hear the climate change deniers make the same joke: "Wow, could really use some of that global warming right about now!" 🫠

The Fountain, it's one of those movies that just absolutely blew me away and I had to have it but I'm just never quite in the emotional state to revisit yet I still recommend. It's breathtakingly beautiful and devastating. What Dreams May Come is a very close second, but I feel like after Robin Williams' death it's even more so, but the movie itself is just so beautifully done and heart wrenching.

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Absolutely sickening read. And to think so many of these companies are "double dipping" they get to use literal slave labor and get government subsidies all while raising prices for the everyday customer. Just shameful.

This is something that has been bothering me a lot lately. Gypsy Rose is absolutely a victim, but the only real relationship she had was her incredibly mentally ill, manipulative abusive mother and I have no doubt that she unintentionally used similar tactics with her ex boyfriend to try and get herself out. She didn't know any other way to love, and it's awful. I really hope that she finds peace in her life and can move on but the ex needs justice as well.

Awww the only words he can read are: enemies, hate, curse, mistreat. Bless his lil heart.

It's absolutely wild seeing this okay out in real time. It's sickening to see the absolute monster that Zionism/far-right Israeli leadership has become. The Holocaust happened to their family members and ancestors, but it does not absolve them of responsibility for their current actions. The children/grandchildren of survivors are not inoculated from hate. Generational trauma does not excuse genocide. Free Palestine!

"Broke Don" never had a real job in his life.

This is such a powerful article, thank you for sharing. Should come as no surprise that Harvard Law Review refused to publish, I'm sure their endowments are heavily vested in the military industrial complex.

Portal 3, no question.

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Okay this made me ACTUALLY laugh out loud because I have pond goldies and over the summer they made more goldies and I was asking anyone and everyone if they wanted a fishy buddy lol.

Nothing would make me happier than to see those braindead republicans catch the car, so to speak. They have absolutely no foresight whatsoever, they just think they can pray for a viable government into existence. Texas is such a joke and they think all the other states are just jealous they aren't Texas, lol embarrassing.

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I taught this trick to my then 4 year old and he legit almost passed out then came back from the edge with a "mommy I can breef!"

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Ughhh seriously. Doctor: Yeah, this is actually all in your head. That's going to be a $1500 copay, and also screw you. For women it's even worse Doctor: hmmm classic hysteria, have you tried taking a midol and going to therapy? Also, that's going to be a $1500 copay and a $200 pregnancy test.

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NYT has been trash for a long time. Wouldn't even line my cats little box with a copy since they would probably rather take a shit on the floor.

When they went after the OG neighbor Fred Rogers, they showed us who they fucking were, FUCK the GOP

Depending on who I am with I could go either way. I'm like an extroverted introvert mutant haha.

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I thought I was going crazy but the last time I used Google maps right as I was at a fork a Walgreens™️ ad took over the whole screen and I was like wtf, thankfully I wasn't driving so I was able finagle out of it, but it literally took over and we drove past it. I am also looking for alternatives, I've been thinking about getting a Garmin for my car, but I'll be absolutely damned if they think I'm going to tolerate ads that can get me lost in pensly-tucky 😡

Seconding the pho, I would even say a hot pot restaurant since you guys can make your own soups which can take some of the pressure off the conversation since you're actively cooking and the experience will be memorable. 🤩✨

What in the AI generated art are my human eyes seeing? 🥴

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Well it's pretty clear they don't view Palestinians as people, so I'm sure he believes his own statement. Fuck Israel. Fuck nazionists.

I feel this on such a deep level you don't even know. Yamainwitch is always here for you my darlings! Cousins? Hell yeah! Siblings? Why not! For all my fellow unwanteds, I want you, I see you and I love you!!

Hell yeah!! Power to the people!! This is what happens when people get it together, we can instantly fact check and organize with greater ease than ever before and I am here for it!!

👉😎👉 zoop zoop

The abrahamic religions are any that worship the god of abraham which would be: judaism, christianity and islam. I'm an equal opportunity western religious critic.

Thank you so much, I updated the post to include a link to the original desperate begging and add special thanks. I'm just so happy I couldn't wait to update you guys. 💖✨

The reporters that are also in the pockets of Russian oligarchs? This has been an open secret for the better part of a decade now. Maga supporters will just see this as a sign of strength and diplomatic camaraderie.

You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift, this song played non stop when I worked retail and OMG it's so grossly misogynistic, she's just trashing this girl because she has the audacity to date HER crush. And she's just showing up at his house when she knows they are going through a rough patch all like you should be with me instead. 🤢 This is the IM NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS anthem with a grating faux Southern accent and banjos. 🙃

Jus me bro but dick cheynz be acting sus tho fr fr

Depends, how weird we gonna get with it? Who am I kidding, I trust my fellow star trek meme junkies with my life. Let's gooo!

True, so we should turn them into schools and libraries 🤩