THANK YOU LEMMINGS!!! Update to – 215 points –

Merry Happy! I posted a few days ago asking for help with a prelit tree that had entire portions not lighting up, or flickering like crazy. It was a crack tree situation and I could not find anything helpful on my own and you wonderful people came together and saved Christmas/ yamainwitch-mas. I was literally ready to just throw it out and have a festivus pole. You guys are the absolute best. A thousand thank yous! Sorry I don't have a crack tree before picture for you, I was too embarrassed lol. Lemmy is the best 🤩✨

Edit: here's the link to the og post for those who did not see my desperate plea for help lol

Imma ride this high through the New Year! Special thanks to die444die! You literally walked me through how to do this, there's no way I could have done it with out you 🤩🤗 and Aevironis you helped me source the perfect lights which made the swap ✨flawless✨. Ahhh I'm just over the moon happy right now 🥰💖🥳


Although I had no part in this, on behalf of all Lemmings, I accept your thanks and wish you a very happy holiday.

Btw, a festivus pole still doesn't sound like a bad idea. A festivus for the rest of us; it's a noble pursuit

Glad you got it working; but damn, you just buried the whole tree. Never seen that much decoration on a tree outside of movies.

Yeah don’t be surprised if you find an old family member under all of that after Christmas.

When the chimney sweep came to fix the fireplace he said my house looked like a beer commercial, it's the highest praise. I'm a little extra with the holiday ✨ magic ✨

Looks beautiful! I missed whatever happened prior, but you've got a mighty fine looking decoration now!

Thank you so much, I updated the post to include a link to the original desperate begging and add special thanks. I'm just so happy I couldn't wait to update you guys. 💖✨

Happy for you ... didn't have a part in it, I was just happy to see some good news in a world full of despair. Great looking tree!

I can see a squirrel peaking out and hear Snot humping in the background! Beautiful!