Saudi Arabia wants peace with Israel after Gaza war, envoy tells BBC to World – 32 points –
Saudi Arabia wants peace with Israel after Gaza war, envoy tells BBC

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The Palestinian people lived in peace before Israel came to be in 1948.

uhh hebron massacres? actually the violence was started by palestinians in 1913 when they murdered a non-violent zionist

My point still stands, your claim of “Palestinian living in peace” and that “Hamas and Iran” started all this is nonsenses.

Taking one part of my entire text to ‘counter’ it is nonsense as well.

However you are right. That murder was wrong as well and should have never happened.

But I will repeat trying to push this current war on Hamas and Iran is literally trying to mislead people.

ETA: Because I will repeat; Israel stole land, drove out 750 000 Palestinians while murdering men, women and children of the Palestinians.

Of course at some point, some (a lot) will lose their mind and fight back in horrible ways.

If peaceful revolution is not possible, violence revolution is inevitable.

I will also like to add, Israel has been illegal settlements. Stealing homes of Palestinian people. Just check this video of 2 years ago;

You are telling me; this is living in joy, peace and in a healthy way?

ETA: Not to mention all Israel tactics of have been in align with Nazi-Germany. All their methods with ethnic cleansing, apartheid and reasoning behind it.

There’s so many proof of history (articles, books, videos and photos) about it.

750 000 Palestinians while murdering men, women and children of the Palestinians.

that was started by invading arab armies, you start wars you lose land and lives, the initial israel was much smaller. and that initial land was rightfully owned by israelis

and 1948 UN resolution did not mention palestinians/ palestine, it mentioned a arab state

In my country we have an old proverb which can be directly translated to: You can't straighten up a wet (cloth) thread no matter how hard you try. I don't know how scientific that is, but the message it implies: When thing is wrong, whatever rhetorical bullahit you throw in to justify your wrongdoings, it will still be wrong.