How Many Streaming Services Do You Have? to Ask – 128 points –

I remember when it was just Hulu for $5 and Netflix for $8. Saved $50 a month from cable. Now it seems we spend more. I have four. Max, Peacock, Paramount and Hulu. Prime doesn’t count because it sucks balls. (Only paying Netflix when next Stranger Things and Squid Game is released). Curious to see what the average Lemmer/Lemming (what do we call ourselves?) has?


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None, and every time my coworkers talk about how many they have it seems insane. One has fucking 6 different services. It's not even about the money. I just truly cannot be bothered working out the maze of what is where when an RSS feed will just deliver me the stuff I'm interested in when it comes out from anywhere.

I have an app called justwatch that tells me what's streaming and where.

If you’re into keeping track of what you’re watching or what to watch, Trakt is great and it integrates seamlessly with JustWatch.