People who park in the handicapped ramp boil my blood. to Mildly – 610 points –

I have a disability and want to smack these jerks with my cane.


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The white car isn't parked in a disabled spot. Its parked in front of the ramp for a wheelchair, which isn't a space

That car is incompatible with a ramp because it doesn't have sliding doors and there's plenty of space to get a wheelchair between the vehicles. Moreover, it's legal to park in that ramp if you're disabled and there's no more handicap spots.

The only situation this is unacceptable is if the white car does not have a disabled occupant and we don't know that from this photo.

I think you're misunderstanding which ramp I mean. Looking between the wheels of the white car, it looks like there's a ramp the goes from the parking lot up on to the sidewalk. The white car would prevent a person using a wheelchair getting onto the sidewalk.

Oh shit yeah I was misunderstanding which ramp, I see it now. I'm British and we would call that a "dropped curb", makes sense now