Why more PC gaming handhelds should ditch Windows for SteamOS - Ars Technica

Fubarberry@sopuli.xyzmod to Steam Deck@sopuli.xyz – 201 points –
Why more PC gaming handhelds should ditch Windows for SteamOS

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Mine just lasts literally weeks, but I never tested it. It is so worry-free that I sometimes go multiple days without picking it up and when I finally do it has like 85% of battery and I don't remember how much it had when I suspended it so I never even think about it. The TLDR is that the suspend in Linux works magically.

Unlike the Switch, which drains 70% of the battery in 3 days of standby. Every time I pick it up I have to charge it, it feels like such a chore that the SD has taken its place completely.

I kinda regret having bought a Switch.