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And yet people will just shrug it off and keep using windows. And Microsoft loves that.

Valve seems to be the only company on this capitalist world that actually understands that company profits cannot and should not grow exponentially forever without eventually destroying itself. All other companies don't know or want to stop the greed ad are constantly pushing for more profits to see until where they can push the greed and milking without losing "too much" costumers. They even weight the amount of costumers lost vs the extra profits to see if its viable to lose those costumers and still profit, like Netflix. Valve does not work like this. Valve grew to a size, and that size is giving them stable and steady profit. And they are holding that size, slowly growing more here and there but nothing big. The biggest thing they did in like 10 years was the Steam Deck and they will not update it with a Deck 2 anytime soon. Valve plays the very slow, but steady profits game. This is how you win as a company. You try to keep yourself on a balance between good profits and good public perspective.

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Streisand effect is currently very active on this one. Thousands of news outlets, many extremely casual and geared towards average joes who never new emulation existed, are now all being told that "this thing called yuzu can play switch games for free". Nintendo is shooting themselves in the foot. Even if Yuzu dies, it will get forked and people who never knew emulation existed, now do, and look for alternatives.

Dear valve. Please never ever go public. We will happily keep giving you money while you keep yourself a private company

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Slowly more and more distros are looking over to a KDE future. GNOME devs being so incredibly hard to work with and this feeling of a huge community that is KDE and with how polished Plasma 6 is becoming, many distros are finally looking to at least give Plasma a try as a default. GNOME is well polished but there are so many extremely important and urgently needed features that KDE already implemented that are not even being discussed for GNOME. Many distros are getting fed up with how slow GNOME is into advancing their desktop. They take 2 years to change a few buttons around. And now that Plasma 6 has a 6-month fixed release schedule, it finally aligns with what distros want.

First Valve shocked the corporate distro world by choosing the seemengly less stable KDE as their default for the Steam Deck, which proved to be an amazing choice after all. Then recently, Nobara Linux, one of the most used Fedora distros, also switched to KDE as the default. And now Fedora is discussing into switching the main distro too. Qt6 is also a really flexible and promising framework and developers seem to have more fun working with it than with GTK4.

Recent switchers from Windows also largely prefer KDE instead of the minimalist approach, macOS-like GNOME. And linux has been gaining a lot of popularity and market share recently, and I could bet that a lot of these new users are not on GNOME, at least not on vania GNOME.

A great example is KDE having hit a HUGE record of bug reporting and feedback submissions, which means that more people than ever are using KDE actively and actually trying to help the project somehow. KDE has also been having a huge presence in social networks like YouTube and TikTok (especially because of its fun and interesting features that make GNOME look plain and a bit boring, needless to say GNOME vanilla wont convince a Windows user to switch...) which might speed up its adoption too.

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To be fair, if they are like the example (static silent ads) they would be the least intrusive ads that YouTube ever had. To the point that I don't even mind them. All of YouTube ads should be like this, not annoying, silent, and easily ignored.

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Reminds me on how they forcefully started slowly upgrading everyone to the new Teams app, that doesn't support half of what the previous one did. For example, the company I work at actually used the "Wiki" on Teams to create very long and detailed (many hours of work) important documentation for projects. It was not my choice, but it was how the company decided to work. Well the new Teams app killed the Wiki. We lost access to a lot of documentation and the managers took a long ass time to understand our problem and only did when their own Teams also updated. We had to revert back to the old teams and constantly click ignore on the upgrade notification, while at times mistakenly clicking accept and having to revert back again, until we copied everything out of Wiki and to another platform entirely. We lost a lot of (paid) hours to just copy and reformat the whole wiki from many projects into a new platform. All this were paid hours, and money that didn't need to be wasted if it wasn't for Microsoft complete retardness. This together with other retard moves on other office apps is slowly convincing my company to completely get out of the Office 365 for Enterprise, including Azure and other stuff just because Microsoft is really getting on our nerves lately.

I don't understand how can Microsoft do so much shit and still be so widely used and so many companies absolutely depend on Microsoft. If Microsoft sneezes, half of the IT world shakes. But those who suffer just keep paying anyway. Are we all clowns?

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The problem with AVP is that it constantly feels extremely lonely. The fun part about VR is playing stuff together, games, being in the same room even if others are in different countries, have funny full size avatars, interact in a "vr-chat" kind of way. VR is supposed to be a fun version of our world. AVP is extremely serious, too "professional" focused, and especially b o r i n g. All you do on AVP is exactly the same that you would do by yourself with your current devices already. Just even more isolated from the world. And even the most enthusiastic Apple users eventually get this feeling when using AVP. While stuff like Quest 3, Valve Index, PSVR2 all might look "cheap" and "not polished" at first, while using them all you get is "wooow" factor and fun. AVP, yes its well crafted and polished, but it does basically nothing and feels lonely inside it.

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Being a developer I slowly noticed that 99% if the people in this world don't even think for a single milisec how anything in tech came to be. They use extremely advanced smartphones, apps, huge servers, games, everything. And no one ever thinks "huh, how did they made this?" They literally think making a whole OS is like making a pancake, 5 steps and 5 minutes and you are done. Or heck, they don't even think that, they don't think anything at all about it. They just... use it. Like it magically appeared there and they can now use it. They have absolutely zero idea how much effort the simplest things they use daily took. Some don't even think about the fact that stuff like Facebook is a company and needs to make money. They just know that Facebook is magically there and works. How does it work? "Well, you open the app and click buttons". But they never think about how the app and buttons came to be.

Stuff like "what is a cloud? What happens when you put something on the cloud, like Google drive?" They get absolutely broken and cant answer because they can't even understand what a cloud is and why the files are accesible from everywhere.

It gets to a point where people get "shocked" when you tell them that Android or macOS has hundreds or thousands of developers working on it daily. They literally think Android just happened to appear out there and brands just decided to pre-install it on the phone they sell, like it was something that you "just install".

Well, long story short, this eventually comes back to bite devs in the ass when we try but fail to explain to a client that "creating an AI that takes stuff from a database and magically creates new stuff" takes more than 2 days. Client gets mad when we say something is impossible in the hours budget that we got.

Simon Riggs like many other people literally make our world turn but people will never know who they are or why they are needed. This world biggest heroes often go unnoticed.

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Good luck shipping stuff in glass packaging. Very heavy, extremely fragile, big, expensive. Glass is only worth it on reusable stuff. We need to find a good material for "throwaway" stuff. Eco plastic made from stuff like bamboo are great starting points. They feel like plastic even mcdonalds is using this material for their throwaway spoons. And it can't be that expensive or they wouldnt be using it for free spoons

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Not a good idea to leave Unreal Engine without decent competitors. Other universal engines are too small to compete with UE.

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Sadly most users don't know Linux even exists, or don't know how to install it or don't even think about trying to. Many people legit don't even know they can change what OS came with the computer. They think its "part of the computer" like an iPhone or iPad. They just accept their fate and buy a new PC. Or ignore the warnings and keep using windows 10 until the hardware itself fails.

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1 - buy one of those refillable ink tank printers that are now actually common and not expensive;

2 - buy ink bottles at aliexpress for $10 4x200ml ink or around that;

3 - years of ink for a few bucks.

If you have a cartridge printer, search on aliexpress for refillable cartridges for your printer and do step 2 anyway (you can usually refill those easily with a seringe).

Don't feed their greed.

Its a huge deal. If X desktop is the default, it shows that the distro developers and maintainers usually test and optimize more and better for that specific DE so your experience with the default DE will always be more stable and polished than non-official ones. Extra GUI tools that the distro makes usually are also better tailored to the default distro. Like Manjaro and all of their locale, kernel and other packages that are integrated inside the KDE settings. Or popOS and all of their utilities being integrated into Cosmic. Etc etc. More money and dev time is invested into the default DE.

Everytime I buy something from a local shop or a western brand, it comes packaged with minimal plastic, and a lot of well thought out materials. Even if they use plastic, its always a very thin plastic and very "soft". Can't describe. But when I buy ANYTHING from aliexpress you can tell it came from china just by looking at the packaging. It has SO MANY LAYERS of plastic, and very hard and thick plastic. If you buy for example a single keychain comes with 20x the weight of it in plastic. They smell so much to plastic chemicals too, something that "western plastic" doesn't smell like. Every time I have to drink from a paper straw I remind myself that a 10x10cm sticker I bought came with 5kg of plastic and still arrived damaged from shipping.

We don't need to reduce even more. We need to somehow force china to reduce it. I am againt taxes for everything, but maybe tax the amount/weight of plastic that comes on stuff you get from china. And find a way to tax the sender, not the buyer. Maybe that will make chinese companies to actually think about reducing they 50 tons of useless plastic waste they make each second.

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Meanwhile I CANNOT be productive in GNOME. There are hundreds of maybe thousands of KDE features that make IT and dev work so extremely easy. I could make a 50 page comment just listing them. I can start with how horrendously basic and generic the default gnome terminal is.

But then KDE also is in fact good for average ex-Windows users because it has stuff where people expect it to, has features that people expect too (cough minimize/maximize buttons cough) and well yea KDE is better for average users.

So KDE is better for IT users and developers, and is also better for average users. And since it supports vsync off, VRR and HDR it is also better for gaming.

So wait is KDE better for literally EVERYONE? 🤔

The bigger the screen, the more you notice because it covers more of your field of view. I would say 240Hz is the sweet spot. You can definitely feel the improvement from lower rates, but rates above it start to be barely noticeable. However I am fine with 144-165Hz if I wanted to save money and still get a great experience. Bellow 120Hz is unusable for me. Once you go high refresh, you cannot go back, ever. 60Hz feels like a slideshow. For gaming 60 is fine, but for work use and scrolling around I can't have 60. Yes people, high refresh rate is useful even outside of gaming.

Funny thing is, while gaming, even if my monitor and PC can do it, I rarely let my fps go above 120-140. I limit them in the game. PC gets much quieter, uses less power, heats up less and its smooth enough to enjoy a great gameplay. I will never understand people who get a 4090 and play with unlocked fps just to get 2000 fps on minecraft while their pc is screaming for air. Limit your fps at least to your Hz people, have some care for your hardware. I know you get less input lag but you are not Shroud, those less 0.000001ms of input lag will not make a difference.

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Thats mostly because of the overload quantity of ads, trackers, plugins, integrations, etc all websites have now. Using an adblocker halves your bandwidth usage. If you have a data cap, an adblocker is a must.

And then, optimization. As an Angular developer, knowing many websites nowadays are Angular or similar, the lack of optimization is a big problem. Most don't even use lazy loading, not to mention managing the module imports into different components. They import everything into the main component and don't do lazy loading leading you to websites that have 20-40MB (!!!) of initial load (when you open the website). This is so common that I think junior angular devs will slowly just kill angular popularity and give it a bad look. Takes work to optimize Angular, and many devs don't care enough and just rush it. And then there are companies that don't understand that web frameworks need optimization and just underpay devs or rush the dev time.

Please don't use Angular (or similar complex web frameworks like Vue or React) if you don't know how to correctly optimize it, or don't have time or care for it. And don't overload your pages with ads and integrations. You are ruining the web.

has a tendency to crap the bed a few minutes after startup

Tell me you are an nvidia user without telling me. Either that is hard to believe. I use KDE daily for more than 8-9 hours a day, sometimes my pc goes for a full week without geting turned off, multiple apps tabs and servers on, themes installed, widgets on the desktop, I am such an extremely heavy KDE user you have no idea. Still, zero crashes. Sometimes something goes a bit "wut" like moving a window around gliches a liiiiiiitle bit, but it instantly corrects itself and goes back to being stable. And I am on Plasma 6.0.3, funny enough has been more stable than Plasma 5.

Update your KDE or use a distro that has better KDE support. Some distros fck up KDE packages and get it unstable. Fedora KDE is rock solid for example. Nobara has been great too and its now KDE by default.

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To be fair, 60Hz to 75Hz is barely noticeable even by those who are used to notice these things. If you can't tell the difference, it's understandable.

Then, the bigger the screen, the more noticeable high refresh rate is, because it covers more of your field of vision. So in a small iPhone screen it's not easy for everyone to notice (and then there is the fact that iPhones rarely go to 120Hz anyway which is an absolute mess by itself but that's another topic, so your 15 Pro probably rarely goes above a noticeable Hz change anyway).

However, if you get a 144Hz or above, 24" and above monitor, you will IMMEDIATELY see the difference against your 60Hz monitor. Even moving the mouse feels more responsive and accurate. Makes targeting stuff with your mouse easier. Reading text while scrolling is possible also. It unlocks a new world, it's not only for gaming. Casual and work use also benefit a lot from high refresh rates.

The best TLDR bot I have ever seen. Keep on going little bro!

Most people actually don't even know you can change what OS came with the computer. They think Windows is part of the computer. So they happily accept the idea that Windows 11 needs a new computer. They will probably use windows 10 wayyyyyy past EOL until the hardware itself fails, and/or just buy a new computer with windows 11. Most don't know Linux exists or that they can install it. They think they need a "linux computer". And then searching "download linux" on google or going "" (like I've seen many people do) doesn't help people very much to be honest...

I can see many future domestic uses that might need multiple terabytes per sec of speed. Especially everything around AI and machine learning. Imagine your device having instant access to multiple terabytes of a shared global library of machine learning data. Its a bit dystopic but thats another topic.

Another thing you can imagine is being able to play games directly "from the cloud" but processing them on your hardware. Imagine you have an xbox, but don't have any games stored on it. Everything you play is fetched in real time from the server but still processed and computed on your hardware. So you get crisp clear image and visuals but games can now be so realistic that they themselves need 1-2TB of storage to store the whole game. So, with enough internet speed, we wouldn't need to worry about storage space anymore and how big a game is. You just buy the game and click play and play instantly, but still computing the game locally. Or, if you still need to download and store the game, having a game be a 700GB download might be as "casual" as a 5GB game is nowadays (remember when we got shocked that games started to be more than 1-2GB? Now, 80GB is common). And you will be able to download the whole game in a few minutes. Game worlds can be huge and still be downloaded in minutes. Storage is also evolving day by day so 10TB of SSD might actually be kinda cheap in 10 years.

You can also imagine games so complex that they can now comunicate between players huge amounts of data so we could even share the same angle every leaf in a tree is moving to the wind so all players on that server would see the same exact movement of the leaves. The bandwidth is so high that you can actually start to share all of the most insignificant details between a multiplayer world.

You can also imagine Netflix being able to stream 8K 60fps HDR to your phone as easily as nowadays it streams 720p.

Virtual Reality. It needs insane amounts of bandwidth for anything. If you want to share a truly multiplayer VR experience you need all the bandwidth you can get. VR cloud gaming could be a thing since they could now transmit 2x 4K 60fps streams with minimal latency.

These are all casual domestic uses for unlimited bandwidth applications. Don't worry, we will always need more and more bandwidth, because with more bandwidth always comes new tech, and with new tech the need for more bandwidth also increases. Infinite cycle.

Mine just lasts literally weeks, but I never tested it. It is so worry-free that I sometimes go multiple days without picking it up and when I finally do it has like 85% of battery and I don't remember how much it had when I suspended it so I never even think about it. The TLDR is that the suspend in Linux works magically.

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It will only change if the developer goes ahead and makes a special EU version for the app. And many wont, because that takes too many human resources to do and maintain. This was a rule made by Apple on purpose, together with all their other malicious compliance moves: they made it hard for developers so devs will just keep everything as it always was and not use the new EU exclusive things

The Ray Tracing argument and 4K are both shit arguments. On the PS5 most games are not 4K native, those that are, are locked to 30 which is an horrible experience. Ray Tracing is the same thing, and not only is PC Ray Tracing much more advanced and better looking, but it also locks you to 30 fps modes on PS5. I doubt the PS5 Pro will change that. If you forget the 30 fps sad modes that have 4k/ray tracing, suddently you can actually build a PC yourself that plays the same games for $600-800 (bit more than a PS5 but ITS A FULL PC, does everything, not games only) that for that price can play 1080-1440p games with ease at 60 fps with graphical fidelity similar to the PS5 if not better since you can better fine tune the graphical settings of all games. Ray Tracing will kill it, just like it kills the PS5.

In my style of life (PC-first) I myself consider a console to be one of those extra expenses that you have only if you have free money to spare. Having games on your couch and big TV is amazing, but if you need a PC anyway for daily life, might aswell waste a bit more and get a great PC for gaming too. If it's a powerful laptop, it can also be your living room "console" just by plugging some cables anytime. Having a console after having a good PC feels like luxury to me (in a bad way), and very optional.

However if your PC is absolute trash but you see no reason at all to buy a new one, because your life style rarely needs to use it, and you absolutely cannot be bothered with Windows configuration and all its BS, then a console is 100% justified. Consoles are great for people who just don't care and just want to play a game a few times per month.

We need Linux computers in store shelves. If someone buys a Linux pc they will just use it and most people won't even think about it. Look at chromebooks. People buy them and use them and probably don't even know what chromeOS is. They just learned how to use that specific computer. It goes to Facebook and YouTube and that is all they need it to do.

True, Apple even stops supporting macbooks software-wise in just 5 years. The new macOS sonoma is only available for macbooks after 2018. While I have a toshiba at home from 2008 running Windows 11 (16 years old, upgraded with more ram and SSD). Macs and longevity can't be in the same sentence.

Use private dns on your wifi settings and input into the dns setting. Sometimes this can cause connection problems tho. It's a bit hard overall to block stuff on iOS, too strict of an OS

Hum if you jailbreak/root you always could and will always be able to use any third party app store. 17.4 didn't change a thing for jailbreak users

Apple: we now allow third party stores! You just need to pay us 1 million $! (We hope no one does it). And you need to use your developer account, but its easy!

Epic Games: we paid the 1 million, we are gonna make a third party store!

Apple: bans epic games developer account "Epic Games is not trustable!"

Apple really looks like a 5 year old kid with its own make-up rules based exclusively on their interest and gets mad when those rules that they themselves created are still not enough for them to win.

Sometimes I feel like the managers of my company and many others companies like these are just a bunch of clowns, that keep getting fcked my MS but keep paying them Enterprise licenses that are sometimes thousands of $$ per month. If a service costs thousands per month, it shouldn't be stressful to use and give so much headaches... I just think some CEOs don't know that a company can function (sometimes better) without Microsoft products. From Office to Windows to Azure, many companies nowadays think they can only function if they pay Microsoft. And MS knows and likes this.

Buying macbooks is the stupidest idea ever if you want longevity. Heck they even stop supporting them software-wise in just 5-6 years. I still have an old Toshiba from 2008 that is now running Windows 11 fully upgraded, with more ram and an ssd, and is being used by my parents daily. Tell me any macbook that not only can be improved hardware wise (upgraded) but also be kept fully up to date software-wise in almost 16 years. None. The latest macOS didn't release to macs before 2018. That's only 5 years of software support for 3000-4000€ laptop. Sorry but, macbooks have the worse longevity of any other brand. If you want longevity, you just did an immensely stupid purchase, sorry to tell you.

Even as a car guy and a pro-ICE cars, I agree 100% with this. These rolling coal trucks are just cringe, and literally a waste of fuel. I can't say I care about the climate but I also hate the ones who fuck the climate as much as 50x the amount a normal human does, on purpose just because "fuck the climate".

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