ChatGPT could soon replace Google Assistant on your Android phone

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to – 49 points –

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Not quite what I meant, I was merely pointing out that we should be cognizant and of how our world view and others views might shape and define what’s considered history or fact.

All in all, central points of authority are inherently vulnerable to misinformation. I personally think communal (and biological namely) sources of information shared and verified by each other is far more valuable.

Why settle to see the rainbow for your own favorite color when there’s such an amazing and valuable spectrum available. So very digital of us

how our world view and others views might shape and define what’s considered history or fact.

communal (and biological namely) sources of information shared and verified by each other is far more valuable.

You're still implying that obtaining objective facts is less reliable than made up stories.

Unless I'm completely mistaken, could you explain why you think that is please?

I’m admittedly a little confused on how you might still think this. Could you explain your train of thought for how I think that (what’s the bridge between the two quotes you’re using?)

To be clear, objective fact is obtainable by reproducibility (scientific process namely) but that doesn’t really work as well for “objective fact” regarding previous events when you expand them past “this event happened” (I.e. this happened because xyz)

I think a lot of people blur the line between the event itself and the rationale/explanation behind it. That’s really the crux of the problem as I see it and am trying to bring awareness to.

Hmm, then we could be talking past each other. I'm bridging the two as polar opposites but you say that's not what you're getting at?

“objective fact” regarding previous events when you expand them past “this event happened” (I.e. this happened because xyz)

Could you expand on this? Preferably with an example using something other than history, eg a reaction or a sum.

Well no, I can’t. That’s because that snippet was in reference to non-reproducible things, like history really. Science is Queen of objectivity in that you can take the exact same steps and physics ensures that things happen again in the same way

With history, it’s about interactions between complex, ever-changing human psychologies. It’s about decisions made that might not necessarily be restricted to laws like physics, but maybe what you had for breakfast that day, or what your first interaction with another human was like.

Now technically, maybe one day in the future we could use physics and insane measurements of humans to predict behavior and what not like we can with say a chemical reaction, but that’s pretty far out and I’m not sure we’d want to do that (despot being driven to do it anyway because someone else will and they’ll use it for harm)

Ok, I see now that you were talking about historical events specifically. That wasn't clear to me from the outset so I apologise for any confusion.