Arrested for using Linux, Windows 11 loses users, Better FOSS Firmware - Linux & Open Source News to Free and Open Source – 12 points –
Arrested for using Linux, Windows 11 loses users, Better FOSS Firmware - Linux & Open Source News

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Wow. France is already on fire. Do politicians really want more?

We haven't had any major protests over here for a few weeks. Things are calming down for vacation season.

But I thought protesting is the French pastime?

Just kidding, don't guillotine me.

I'm not French so I don't get a guillotine haha. I've just lived here for 16 years. They do like to have their strikes, but in their defence many of them are "declared" and "approved" by local authorities so we are warned about them weeks in advance. Like, my son's school will have a cafeteria strike soon and we were told about it in March.