
4 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Utter bullshit. I only use these services for academic publications/books (fiction I just get from the library).

Academic articles are paid for with tax money. Fuck private control over tax funded research.

Are there any neutral sources? Or at least more complete accountings? I only find Leif's account and some transphobic accounts.

The only "facts" I could find are that Leif had an AR-15 and maced 2-4 people (depending on the account). The transphobic one says children were maced.

I'm just legitimately interested in what happened.

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If they didn't sell us back our water, what would we do?! Install pipes and do it cheaper without plastic?!?

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I shouldn't laugh, but wtf. This is ridiculous.

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And then parents wonder why their children don't talk about their private lives.

Not only would you have emotionally abused me. When the state protects me, you would have sued for the right to abuse me.

What a time to be alive. Nazis wearing chainmail and bringing children to protest drag events. If I didn't follow the news, I'm not sure I would be able to tell this wasn't a LARP event.

Dear god. To be fair, at least these kinds of fascists make me laugh.

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There's also the bizarre phenomena of "leftist" people who support Russia, Iran, etc.

I was on a date once (gay) and he would shit-talk the US, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, etc. for being capitalistic. Then in the same breath, talk about how he wanted to go to Iran and Russia.

I honestly didn't know what to say.

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Beautiful! Yes. Fear me straight women πŸ˜‚.

I always use condoms, take PrEP, and regularly test, but I WILL GIVE YOU AIDS!!!

Tbh, I am okay with 2/3 women not wanting to be with me. Makes filtering shitty people easy.

Personally, I think we should plan for hot world and try to reduce emissions. I have very little faith in decarbonization efforts.

I have connections to inner energy company circles that work in renewables. When they get drunk, they openly admit to green washing. Unless governments seriously address this with sanctions and legal actions, it will never happen.

It's like clogging your toilet. Unclogging it sucks, but it's your fault. I don't see this being fixed without serious uncomfortable painful corrective action. Governments don't seem interested in that.

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Fair point. I wonder if this is a conscious decision or if they are just weird. No judgement to larping. I'm weird too, just not violent.

It's almost like people could just drink from cups...

Please don't hurt me. I know it's radical.

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But the suburbian dream

Well. I guess I have you good advice a few days ago. Hope you're safe.

I'd suggest laying low until you graduate. Only date same sex in private.

Once you move out for college, your parents can't control you.

I refuse to use these things. I'm not going to host a local server just an app

Wait till they learn about prostates

I read one article just now, but it sounds different.

The government's changes to Policy 713, the education policy on gender identity, now make it mandatory to get parental consent before using a child under 16's chosen name and pronoun β€”even verbally β€” in class, according to Education Minister Bill Hogan.

And if a child says no to involving their parents, Hogan said they should be directed to a school psychologist or social worker to come up with a plan to do so.

This is reasonable IMO. If I'm reading this correctly, the children aren't being forcibly outed. Also I believe conversion therapy is illegal now, so in theory, this would be healthy.

Frankly, I would want children to have access to supportive parents OR qualified social workers.

EDIT: It's not different that the US if you read other articles

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Sadly, big companies truly do not care. I was part of a net-zero project at my company (major polluter/CO2 emitter) and it is getting cut right now. I joined in hopes of helping fix it, but I simply can't fight endless bureaucracy and rich people.

I can only speak for my project, but it's not even just the CEO/board in my case. Mid-levels burned so much money that the project became completely infeasible (ie. negative return and scaling would make it worse).

Yeah it seems to be a series of fallacies like,

Conservatives hate gays, so conservatives are bad. Conservatives love capitalism, so capitalism is bad. The west is mostly capitalistic, so I hate the west. The west sanction Iran and Russia, so they must be good.

I think it's better to draw the line at hating controlling abusive people, rather than geopolitical boundaries.

Why do you feel like you shouldn't have let that happen? Sounds like you liked it.

I propose a bill teaching boomers about VPNs and lying about your age on the internet.

I'm not sure how religious they are, but it's better to be safe than sorry. If you are even remotely worried, I'd prepare the following secretly,

  • a go bag with clothes, supplies and extra medication
  • a friend you can spend the night with
  • new passwords on your email, social media, laptops and phone. Encrypt your laptop and phone.
  • new bank account your parents don't know about
  • cash

If possible, leave stuff like clothes and laptops at your friend's house.

I may sound paranoid, but it's one of those situations where paranoid and wrong is better than the alternative. I've seen teens (relatives) get seriously fucked over this stuff.

Parents who were seemingly open minded and rational installed spy software on their children's laptops and phone. Then they didn't allow them to go to college and they had to stay home until they "fixed their behavior". Denied access to money and jobs too.

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Advocates, largely driven by tribal activists along the Klamath River, have been pushing for these dams to be decommissioned for more than 20 years

I hope they are actively involved. Growing up, I was repeatedly taught how American indigenous people were much better with nature than we were. Then I was taught how we actively ignore their advice. Maybe it's time to listen.

I'm not defending transphobia. I read the news article wrong.

I thought it was saying that children who felt unsafe coming out to their parents would be given a psychologist to help them come up with a plan to deal with their family.

That's not the case, but if it was, I would possibly be supportive of that as long as conversion therapy is illegal.

Wow. France is already on fire. Do politicians really want more?

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As long as the abuse unethical companies, I truly don't care. Good for them. Just don't do this at places that make a difference

It doesn't apply to purely personal use. See Article 2 section 2 (c). For shits and giggles would fall under that.

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This I can get behind. It seems fallacious to believe that my choices don't contribute to global warming, but equally wrong to believe that companies haven't forced my hand.

This reminded me of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_streetcar_conspiracy, which I hadn't considered before. This is an example when a major company absolutely forced me to make bad environmental decisions. Public transport was literally destroyed, forcing more cars on the road.

Okay. I read more and yeah it's basically the same as the US. Apologies for the misstatement

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"Following the rules" is a cop out. There's so many ways for the principal to "follow the rules", but protect the kids.

For example, leave a 10min voice mail where the principle reads the admissions forms line by line in monotone. It's there, and provable. The principal did in fact read line 6 of page 23 where is said "gender, with options male, female. male"

Why? This is a perfect opportunity to burn more of the forest without worrying about rain!

We will soon succeed in the extermination of one of the most destructive and violent species to exist on earth!

A while ago, I did a rough calculation that we could create floating islands from tying plastic bottles together. My calculation accounted for enough dirt for trees (several meters of dirt) and enough land to grow vegetables and such.

Accounting for food and housing needs, it was like 10k people from Europe's plastic bottle waste for a year.

Personally, I think something like Netherlands dikes would work in many places.

Not sure how to deal with the heat though. Unfortunately heat is thermodynamically useless without a sink. Space is a bad sink. Deep ocean maybe.

πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ͺ yay! Finally and so exciting!!!

Simple physics demands that this use less energy.

E = mv^2/2.

Say cars are 10x the weight and drive 2x the speed of an electric bike. That's 40x energy.

Additionally, bikes are more likely to have less erratic go/stop behavior, so even more efficient. For example, I'm much more careful to coast on a bike than a car because it's my energy.

Maybe check FetLife for local kink munches. They are queer friendly and may be able to help. Kink is pretty underground, so they may know hidden stuff

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It sucks, but I'm my experience, the faster you cut these people from your life, the faster you will make genuine connections.

Imagine if you brought this friend around the queer community. Nobody would risk being your friend because you are connected with this asshole.

Cut him out. Make new connections. Move on. Be happy.

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I agree. I was replying to your comment that GDPR applies to private data collection for shits and giggles, which isn't correct. For Lemmy, I'm certain it applies. GDPR applies to small churches even

Can you explain?

Kites are more efficient. For one they can be much larger, but you can also put them at angles that you can't operate a sail at.