Are humans the only animal that wipes things off? to No Stupid – 158 points –

I know the title is poorly worded but I can't really think of how exactly to word the question.

I was watching a cat try to find a place to sit that wasn't covered in snow and it made me think about how humans wipe off snow covered seats or just dirty seats in general.

Is that a uniquely human thing or are there other animals that exhibit similar behaviors?


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Dogs get ready for bed by clearing their sleeping area or arranging to their liking.

I've seen that before but don't really feel it's the same. Like if the area was covered in snow or dirt would they clear it out or just lay in it?

Once I dumped out a cooler of ice in the lawn and my dog arranged herself a bed in the ice and laid down in it.

What if the dogs were using brooms? Mine has never "asked" to use one but seems to have a lot of interest in them.