CEOs say generative AI will result in job cuts in 2024 to – 268 points –
CEOs say generative AI will result in job cuts in 2024

And last year they were all saying some variation on "don't worry, AI is not going to cost anyone their jobs."

Key take away for anyone is to never trust what an executive is saying. Much like a politician, if their lips are moving they are probably lying.


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We have Jack Welch to thank for this trend. It wasn't always that way.

Or Henry Ford. Heck choose anyone in the Industrial revolution. Thats when this started truly kicking off.

Well, it was Jack Welch who started the braindead "line goes up" trend of making their share price raise by any means, usually layoffs. Before him, people still had jobs for life and were somwhat looked after by their employers. Behind the bastards podcast did a good episode on him.