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Joined 1 years ago

This is why Google will forever be behind Apple. Any app that can't be monetised gets killed. Why give Android users a stable ecosystem after all? Fuck the users. Google fucking sucks.

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Doubtful. They are mercenaries and won't be getting paid anymore. Mercenaries have no allegiance to anybody.

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Trying to disarm an aggressor is not the same as attacking commercial ships.

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Doesn't matter, they are powerless.

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Calling him smooth brained is looking past the fact that it's just plain corruption. He has interests in the oil industry, and they are against public rail. Hold him to account for what he is, a criminal.

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It's more the principal that Google doesn't care about their ecosystem or users. There would be uproar if Apple killed their podcasts app, since it has been around for so long. But Android users are just used to this shit now.

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What's wrong with Firefox?

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That would require bravery from a lot of people. Few have been as brave as Navalni. Let's hope his death shakes people's apathy.

This is a game changer for me. I always loved Firefox and tried to use it exclusively, but living in a foreign country is hard when you're learning the language, and I had to switch to chrome sometimes due to the lack of translation in Firefox. Now I can finally remove Chrome!

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Look at Rupert Murdoch. He unquestionably holds more power than Musk and has been at it for a long time. Democracy is an illusion, since people are very easily influenced by the media they consume.


A couple of targeted strikes on houthi terrorists is genocide to you? How about stop being disingenuous.

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Don't play dumb, that's not what I said. Russia and Iran had a hand in the October attacks by the Palestinians which started this war however.

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You think the Houthi attacks are anything other than a tactic to distract the west from Ukraine? Read between the lines.

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Shit dude, I pay €20 for synchronous 1Gb/s.

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Lemmy should be lighter on resources, since it's written in Rust.

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That's grim.

Why did you choose to have kids knowing what kind of future they would have? This is the reason I didn't, and also to reduce my footprint in the world. I mean even 20 years ago, it was obvious nothing was going to change. So I don't know why somebody would willingly have children these days.

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What an awesome app. Really, it's unusual to see an open source app be so polished. Thanks for the recommendation.

I thought you said you are going to be dead in a few weeks. Then I reread it, and still pretty much think the same.

It doesn't have translations. I use it anyway, but it's a minor inconvenience as I live in a foreign country.

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And who do you suppose is paying them? Putin?

I could never find any that worked well, and the translations in chrome were too good.

Of course. Why else would a billionaire want the job of leading a country?

Good. There are people out there who ruin all the nice things. Just host your own damn server and download your own content like a normal person.

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Exactly. Though usually once somebody does, that's when the authorities get involved.

I have a theory. Almost every hot country I've been to has bidets. So you have to ask yourself why? Well I'll tell you. After I moved to a hot country (Spain) I realised that if you don't use a bidet and go about your day, the shit in your ass will begin to liquify and you will get very itchy. This is not good. This also doesn't happen in countries with a more temperate climate. That's the reason, I think.

Well, it was Jack Welch who started the braindead "line goes up" trend of making their share price raise by any means, usually layoffs. Before him, people still had jobs for life and were somwhat looked after by their employers. Behind the bastards podcast did a good episode on him.

Well how else is he going to find a new planet... duh!

Great, now do rdr2.


Wtf, lifetime subscription is $830! That's a big gamble on the company not going bust in a year or two.

Neither, Spain.

We have Jack Welch to thank for this trend. It wasn't always that way.

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I just bought one this past weekend to replace my Apple TV, since I ditched the iPhone years ago and I'm pretty much out of the Apple ecosystem. I tried the Chromecast with Google TV too but it was too slow, even though the Google TV UI was nicer.

I picked the wrong decade to move to Southern Europe.

I hadn't found any good options, so mainly use Spotify + Plex when I can't find what I need on Spotify. Will check out some of the options mentioned in here though.

Well the guy acts surprised, like nobody has seen this coming for 50+ years and especially the last 20 years. Put some thought into having children before you do. If more people did, we wouldn't be as deep in the shit as we are today. And people are allowed to criticise other poeple for having kids when they shouldn't.

Yeah I remember having really shit speeds when I lived in Berlin (10mpbs). Not only that, but the data allowances and price on 4g were absurd.

Every time, choice.

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