Russian Soldiers Say They Are Viewed With Disgust in Moscow. to World – 644 points –

According to two Russian soldiers interviewed by a pro-invasion blogger, if you wear a Russian military uniform on the metro in Moscow people distance themselves and give you dirty looks.


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Doesn't matter, they are powerless.

On average, you need just 3.5% of the population to actively oppose the regime to achieve a successful revolution. People can change things, but it looks like a vast majority of Russians are just fine with killing Ukrainians. More expensive iPhones are a bigger issue.

and when you reach 10%, you basically toggle the general opinion massively.

On average sure, but putin probably has more than 3.5% subverting democracy for him, it's not so simple for the people.

I don't think demonizing the Russian populace is really achieving anything, people aren't their government. The US has done some abhorrent things, and I'm not an evil person, nor am I just fine with killing anyone.

The other extreme is treating Russians as poor innocent fellows being oppressed by Putin.

Those poor innocent Russians will be lumbered with the cost of this war.

That's just a bit more than 5m people. Russia has plenty of free space in GULAGs to house 5m people.

Russia doesn't have a GULAG system.

If 5m is too little, make it a 10% (15m) then. Most of the army/security forces are currently engaged in Ukraine.

Not officially, but a lot of Soviet camps are still operational. Creating new ones won't be a big issue. Russian government has plenty of experience.

Well, that would be a good opportunity for Russians to revolt. But I think they're just fine with the current system.

People don't want to be sent to gulags.

Indeed, it looks like most are happier to become murderers.

THAT is the truth. They can love or hate the situation but there's nothing they can do about it. So, no point in generalising and hating on Russians. Save it for Putin, the Russian gov and there butt-licking oligarchs