1 Post – 113 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I can understand restrictions on upcoming events, but there is nothing wrong with releasing them after they have been used. It is not like someone is going to go back in time to commit an offence.

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Doesn't change the fact they murdered people deliberately.

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A honest politician is usually the more open one. You would think that getting threats would be an indicator she is doing something upsets people, and she wants to double down on the crazy.

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Well that is two less missiles that will directed at Ukraine now.

Good for them. This abuse of workers collective bargaining rights is just divide and conquer. Unions cannot work if you allow them to disappear.

I think you missed the point of the forum. You are not really supposed to answer your own question.

There is already a rule for this:

3… No spam posting/trolling.

I don't object to it being shown once, but the repetition should not be allowed. As someone has already said Politics pervades everything, it would be a difficult one to enforce. So instead of trying to reinvent the wheel just stop the trolling.

Except socialism is not directing your politics, capitalism is. When you have a lot of money lobbying politicians, corruption is inevitable. It even tells you in the article.

The bills are backed by restaurant lobbying groups as part of a broader effort to loosen child labor laws “to cut labor costs and deregulate employment”, the report writes – at a time when child labor violations are on the rise across the country.

Hate to burst your bubble on that one, but all of the latest and greatest phones are made by cheap labour these days. Apple uses China and India, Samsung uses Vietnam, Google uses China and Vietnam with some assembly in the US.

I find fanboyism pretty much a naïve attitude to have. These are large companies that only have one aim in mind, and that is to make as much money as they can out of you. That is not the same as buying into an infrastructure that gives you a comfort zone. All phone companies strife to push people into that comfort zone, where they do not want to change. On that I am guilty as charged.

All in all you spend your money where you feel happier about it. If Apple want to out price their products then people will find alternatives. I never understand this culture of griefing people for having differing comfort zones. There seems to be a lot more emphasis on calling out people buying a bad deal, rather than just educating people on where the good deals are to be had.

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The race to the bottom for you is how I get to the top. See we all win at something.

If there is no need for office block then there will inevitably be a drop off in the need to hire the space to work in, which in turn will lead to lower prices. Employers do not request higher costs.

In the UK, the government are pushing for return to work because of pressure from newspaper media. People buy papers on their way to work. The are no cost basis arguments with forced returns to work. There is an obvious case for net zero benefits.

like Wagner?

I have criticised Israel for many years. How they treat Palestinians is barbaric. How the west has supported them in doing this is also barbaric. But what happened on that day was the fault of Hamas, there is no excuses.

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Everyone can audit the code you clown, that is the point. When it is hidden you cannot do this. If you are trying to be clever and demean my intelligence, let me put it another way, Everyone who can use google can audit the code. Writing code is not something restrictive, there are many, many guides out there along with syntax breakdowns.

Do you even know what the internet is?

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I find it tedious to have to disable Microsoft crap that is switched on without my knowledge in windows. Get a copy of Autoruns to disable most of that crap at startup.

All well and good, but that still does not make a Macbook value for money.

Neowin generally announce those that are being freed that week. They do not keep a running list though.

Exactly. The software is being kept closed source. You have no idea if Google is up to its shitty stunts to data track or anything along those lines. If it was open source then that argument is gone, till then.....

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Dead before it had a chance to hit the ground.

Sorry to disillusion you but this was well known in the 70's. It was a standing joke. People knew they just never confronted the issue because ethical standards were pretty low back then.

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Your point seems to be that people should not generalise an opinion on a large group of people. But you fail to ask the question of when passivism becomes guilty by failing to act. Germany was held accountable for the atrocities of the holocaust. They moved on. They educate in schools in an attempt to prevent this from reoccurring. What is happening in the US with republicans can only persist if people support them, and polling suggests there is support there.

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FTFY: Some people say how high.

The rest of us tell the idiot to go forth and multiple.

Had the same deal when I worked it also.

Are you suggesting that politicians create issues to hide other more heinous issues? That would just be dead catting.

You would have to get rid of the crappy 3rd-party DRM before I would consider it.

This is why we have grammar.

Not a problem, I am not fragile in the least. I hope your hangover is a short one.

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No one in their right mind would argue that millennials are struggling. The way the average wage across the world has been driven down is abhorrent. Now show me how this is the fault of boomers.

This is what I wrote in another post:

Everything regarding boomers and wealth accumulation is nothing more than culture wars and a race to the bottom. The real enemy are those that have manipulated politics to allow them to abuse labour laws and taxes. We should not be looking at why some have did well in life, we should be looking at why some are not. It should not be a race to the bottom, it should be about getting more for for those who deserve it.

No one pushing these culture wars like to highlight just how tax systems have changed in the last 80 years.

In 1944, the top rate peaked at 94 percent on taxable income over $200,000 ($2.5 million in today’s dollars3). That’s a high tax rate.

The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 slashed the highest rate from 70 to 50 percent, and indexed the brackets for inflation.

During the 1990s, the top rate jumped to 39.6 percent.

All the while governments across the world have added loopholes to facilitate tax evasion on a massive scale.

Median earnings have gone up 2% in real terms since 1980. But the disparity between those who have and have not has changed in favour of the richest. The poorest are now much worse off than they have been since the 80s, and the richer are vastly richer.

Your problem is not with a Pseudo-generation, it is with the way the system runs. Everything is stacked against those without money.

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How many of those die due to eating the mushrooms?

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It is this type of morality that drove him to do what he did. Life is not just a commodity you can just throw away. Instead of trying to bury the problem with more violence, try and sort it by educating the kids better in this area.

There is a lot of cooperation between the UK's Tory party and the Republicans through a group called the national conservative group. There is also a lot of similarities with the stunts being pulled by the Republicans and the Tories with gerrymandering and general corruption of the process in government.

There has been some very credible links with the Tory party and Russian influence. We have a Russian in the Lords. Johnson performed some actions that were incredibly poorly judged. The Tories fought tooth and nail to stop sanctions being applied to certain Russian oligarchs that had money in the UK. Johnson's government stopped the electoral commission from investigating Russian influence with the Brexit referendum. He then went further by pulling the electoral commission directly under government control.

There is now a bad smell about both the Republicans and our Conservatives when it comes to Russian influence. Don't let Trump slide, make him pay for what he has done, and if that proves to have Russian influence then take everything from him. His kids should not benefit from this.

Precisely this. Everything regarding boomers and wealth accumulation is nothing more than culture wars and a race to the bottom. The real enemy are those that have manipulated politics to allow them to abuse labour laws and taxes. We should not be looking at why some have did well in life, we should be looking at why some are not. It should not be a race to the bottom, it should be about getting more for for those who deserve it.

No one pushing these culture wars like to highlight just how tax systems have changed in the last 80 years.

In 1944, the top rate peaked at 94 percent on taxable income over $200,000 ($2.5 million in today’s dollars3). That’s a high tax rate.

The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 slashed the highest rate from 70 to 50 percent, and indexed the brackets for inflation.

During the 1990s, the top rate jumped to 39.6 percent.

All the while governments across the world have added loopholes to facilitate tax evasion on a massive scale.

Median earnings have gone up 2% in real terms since 1980. But the disparity between those who have and have not has changed in favour of the richest. The poorest are now much worse off than they have been since the 80s, and the richer are vastly richer.

What is the chance that Trump's team could actually tell the truth?

Lord Sugar is self made, albeit an arsehole who pushes conservative agenda. The one thing all billionaires have in common is that they have abused the workforce to make money.

It is not possible to build car parts to that level of precision. They will warp more than that in the heat of the day. It is just a marketing pitch to the idiots who buy his crap.

Let us see that same opinion once you have been the victim of a burglary. I have replaced two back doors to the tune of a few thousand quid. I spent years with higher home insurance because of the claims. Yet they never even got in. My cameras only record when my property line is breeched.

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I agree with a lot of what you say. I don't think polarisation is a bad thing. Everyone has a different perception of where the priorities should be, sometimes that is just pure greed, sometimes it is genuine need. The biggest issue in the US (and the UK) imo, is the voting system. FPTP system are too easy to corrupt. Voters recognise that a vote for an independent can lead to what you really don't want into power. This encourages tribal voting instincts. In my own area, I know I am going to have to pinch my nose and vote Labour. I will do this knowing full well that the person I am voting for has shown to be nothing but a grifter for over 10 years.

A FPTP system only requires attention in the swing areas. The rest is largely ignored. A PR voting system has been gaining more and more popularity in the UK. A lot are recognising that FPTP has some very real dangers.

Truth and media accountability has become a conduit for celebrity voting. They even used the same model that was used on Trump with Johnson in the UK. We got lucky because we got the idiot who was much easier to spot. Trump also recognised that by throwing out crumbs, people would see him as doing something. Johnson actively did as little as possible. Neither of these would have been voted into power with the media backing they got. I am hoping that our next PM sorts the media out in some way. Leveson Inquiry 2.0 is another item to be looked into, imo.

We, in the UK, need a return to independent oversight. Johnson annexed what was previously independent bodies into government control. He then used them to justify government choices. Johnson was very close to gaining absolute power in the UK. Trump will do exactly this, if he ever gets in. Trump will mimic Erdogan, he will use his current predicament to justify doing even more extreme moves once in power. There is a fair to good chance you will not remove Trump and his family if they return.

Independent oversight seems to be a thing that is greatly missed in the US. There does not seem to be any trusted bodies where people can turn to for an honest opinion on truth. The problem seems to stem from the power of the ruling class of the time having the complete control of who gets which job. Having individual politicians plant the highest power in the legal system into place is always going to cause an imbalance. We have exactly the same problem with the house of Lords. I like the idea of cross party review bodies being used to adjudicate key positions of influence, but a lot of ultimate power positions like SCOTUS need a much wider oversight committee.

The biggest problem of all politics though has to be corruption. Politicians should not be able to earn money from secondary sources.

I lost you here. What position? Prevent more of what?

Not all republicans are bad. But the longer the good ones wait to take the bull by the horns, the harder it will be.