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Joined 11 months ago

I'm from Europe, I was taught on manual transmission and drove with it for 10 years. But I switched to automatic (actually not on purpose, I didn't notice the car I was buying had it), and now vastly prefer it.

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I now use it only for things like books

Regarding that ... I recently bought a hefty biography on Oppenheimer - should have had more than 500 pages, great reviews. What arrived was a 50-page small format booklet. Not even books are a "safe buy" on Amazon.

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Titles like this are cancer since they intentionally mislead. It's "a billion rubles", thus tens of millions $. Pretty insignificant.

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BTW, Utkin was also on the passenger list.

It will make a difference if you don't get enough of it. But having enough of it will just feel normal.

The bad news is that Russia still has ~60 of those. The good news is that they can't replace the losses, the production line was scrapped 30 years ago. The supposed successor, PAK DA, continues being a vaporware.

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Well Russia is currently bombing a European country which I personally consider much worse than an embargo.

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Brands have been always important to teenagers.

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Good thing for Africa for sure.

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  • generation hate, ageism, collective guilt - it's getting normal to blame a whole generation (typically boomers) for all the wrong things in this world.
  • websites requiring login to see content which isn't anything privacy related - twitter, quora, instagram ...
  • services which require a smartphone app and don't provide a website version.
  • it's been more than ten years now, but the fragmentation among messaging services. I mean, before that, everybody used ICQ which was a proprietary platform as well, but you had all these different clients and the platform was therefore quite open. Not anymore. I dislike RCS as a possible solution, because it's carrier based and tied to your phone number.
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I just browse by Subscribed.

Sometimes if I'm bored or want to look for new communities I switch to All.

Have you thought about why Switch is the best selling console in the current generation even though it's by far the weakest in performance?

It's pretty terrifying when you think about it, yet completely normalized.

My pet peeve regarding all these discussions is that we throw around "consciousness", but we have no good definition for it ...

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Python is for some reason darling of many, sometimes it has almost religious connotations. Meanwhile differences from e.g. PHP are mostly superficial and each has their strengths and weaknesses.

Bourne shell is orders of magnitude worse clusterf*ck than JavaScript, yet it's rarely criticized.

Rust rarely gets criticized which isn't necessarily a problem, since it's IMHO a good language for its intended use case. But people tend to recommend it for things where the trade offs come out negative. (apps not needing max. performance)

In general I wouldn't follow the trends on social media, it's all a huge groupthink, mostly focusing on (easily avoidable) warts, and ignoring strengths.

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So the correct solution in WW2 was for everyone to surrender to the Nazis?

And properly and concisely describing a bug or glitch is usually the key to getting it resolved quickly.

Often the most difficult part of solving it is being able to reproduce it / find the exact situation in which the problem occurs.

“We will not be drawn into a contest between global powers.”

Is he speaking for South Africa or for BRICS as a block? Because China clearly wants to draw BRICS into the contest.

It's kind of weird to talk about BRICS as the next Non-aligned Movement when China is one of the two geopolitical poles and Russia engaged in great power struggle.

As many as 40 countries want to join BRICS, according to South Africa’s 2023 summit chair.

China and Russia would like to see those as some kind of anti-West coalition, but most of them likely want to enter just for the development money.

There was no such promise.

Stop spreading Kremlin propaganda.

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The biggest issue was the phone - Librem 5 - many customers waited 4 (or 5?) years and what they got was underwhelming. Purism originally provided "refund anytime" policy, but once customers started using that they lied they didn't promise that (disproven with wayback machine). The only reliable way to get the money back is to sue them in small court. They also had some other shady stuff.

Maybe there were 78 committers. But other people contributed to the release in some other way (QA?), but that may be more difficult to count than just looking at the commit stats ...

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I have a small app on the play store. It's finished, has a small user base and doesn't really need updates.

But I'll now let google delist it. The API level isn't even the main reason, it's the other X warnings which jumped at me when logging into developer console about new rules and guidelines I need to satisfy. I've had enough of the hamster wheel.

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The author of the blogpost is a developer, not a professional writer. Honestly I don't understand why you're so upset about it.

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Her net worth is like $100 million, I really doubt she seeks reelection for the money.

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One of them is Utkin, the Nazi who coined the name Wagner.

I think the mods of the duplicate communities should join forces, agree on uniting the communities and close all but one (the other pointing to the united one).

I don't think there's really a good reason to keep communities split. (there are of course contingencies where it makes sense, like rogue mods etc.)

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has documentation which says it is meant only to be used for logging / debugging

No, it's not a breaking change IMO. The method contract (the "debug" name, the comment) heavily implies the output may change and should not be relied upon.

Well, Niemann has a history of cheating in online games (some with prizes). He admitted cheating in some games, and according to statistics cheated in some additional ones.

It's possible that Carlsen had this in the head when playing and that, in conjunction with a "ridiculous miracle" caused his reaction:

The report mentioned as peculiar but drew no conclusions from the statement made by Niemann in his post-game interview that it was inexplicable and a "ridiculous miracle" that he had the very day of the game, before the game, used a computer engine to analyze an unusual position that arose in his game against Carlsen.

I realize being a prodigy and a champion in a field this competitive can go to your head, but damn.

I think it would be fair to mention that Carlsen has never done anything like this before in his already long career.

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They have to work with what they have. Which isn't much.

On average, you need just 3.5% of the population to actively oppose the regime to achieve a successful revolution. People can change things, but it looks like a vast majority of Russians are just fine with killing Ukrainians. More expensive iPhones are a bigger issue.

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Those vetoes existed before most of these countries had nukes.

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heavily impact the sovereignty of all countries

Personally I don't have an issue with impacting sovereignty of countries like China or Russia, since their idea of sovereignty means suppression of others.

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India would not arrest him, but they would do everything they can to avoid this situation, like refuse to allow Putin's plane to land. Which would then be Putin's fiasco.

The Dutch investigation was pretty conclusive, with the call recordings and such. A lot of rebels were Russian vacationers, though.

In normal conversation, Catholic Church equals Roman Catholic Church.

See e.g. wiki:

The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, ...

Putting him on TV is a bad fucking idea. That must discourage a lot of Russian soldiers thinking about doing the same.

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Sure. Making such public statements is just sending signals ...

If your cameras detect something the lidar does not, you trust the cameras

Yes, but if the lidar sees something the cameras doesn't, you trust the lidar.

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Most art is created with tools. You can't replicate yourself a photo you took (yourself meaning without the camera).

You know which one. Austrians were considered (and most identified) as Germans before WW2. Insisting they weren't of German ethnicity is a historical revisionism.

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There would be no clean replacement. It would get very bloody and chaotic. Not a bad hypothetical scenario. But that ship has sailed when Prihozhin surrendered (he didn't stand much of a chance anyway).