Brazil's president calls U.S. economic embargo on Cuba 'illegal,' condemns terrorist list label to World – 228 points –
Brazil's president calls U.S. economic embargo on Cuba 'illegal,' condemns terrorist list label

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Well Russia is currently bombing a European country which I personally consider much worse than an embargo.

Well, I'm sorry, but I don't see how two wrongs makes a right. This is some massive whataboutism. Both an embargo on Cuba and Russia bombing other countries are horrendous activities.

Sure, but the comment I was replying to made a direct comparison with Russia.

First and foremost, that was my comment. Secondly, it still doesn't make it okay. It's not a real argument. If the US can pull this shit off, why can't Russia or China. I'm not excusing their actions, but just look at it from the perspective of someone from one of those countries. They see the US invading countries, putting embargos on others, and a bunch of other crap. Why shouldn't they do the same? The invasion of Iraq was just as justified as the invasion of Ukraine. Same shit based on bullshit arguments. Yet somehow one is more acceptable than the other. I'd rather not have any of them. And I'm from Eastern Europe just for context :)

I'm not justifying anything. I was just reacting to this:

Just imagine China or Russia doing the same to some random European country.

Which was a weird sentence - we don't have to imagine anything, Russia is already doing much worse.

It's not whataboutism, you made a comment and this was a valid reply to the content of your comment in context.

-unconcerned outsider

The US this year has launched airstrikes in Syria, Somalia and possibly Yemen. That is not somehow better, just because they're not a European country. And even if it were better, another country doing really shitty things is not a good argument for why a separate country can do maybe-less-shitty-but-still-shitty things.

Cuba has been under full trade embargo by the US for over 60 years, after the US Bay of Pigs Invasion failure. Russia only has sanctions and embargoes by the US on some products though, despite invading a European country. How does that happen?

The Russian population in the USA isn't demanding we embargo Russia whereas it is Cuban-Americans leading that charge in FL.

Edit changed Cubans to Cuban-Americans as TheDankHold pointed out my error.

Cuban-Americans are americans. They're not citizens of Cuba. And just because a minority wants an embargo on another country doesn't mean you should just play world police. That's not your place to decide who trades with whom. If you don't wanna do trade with them, then don't.

It is actually Americans leading that charge, they’ve been here long enough to qualify as Americans first and foremost imo. And that doesn’t mean anything regardless, how do the citizens that live on the island feel about the embargo?

Thanks I edited my comment to reflect the necessary change.

Why should Cubans determine the policy of other countries? Do I get a say in how Cuba does business?

Im not asking those flippantly. What you are suggesting makes no sense given how reality functions.