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Keeping people like this off the road is one of the biggest reasons why every place needs robust public transportation systems.

This is off topic, but threatening the livelihood of hundreds of people to jerk off some investor douches who don’t give a shit about the actual medium is peak sociopathic capitalism.

Controlling actions that cause negative externalities for consumers and citizens I could see but this is about the government punishing them for publishing speech that opposes his agenda.

I didn’t realize communism was when you’re an authoritarian state capitalist system. It’s so interesting that international corporations can exist within a communist system. You’d think there’d be local control of resources and production and minimal social hierarchies, given that those are the core defining traits of the ideology.

So cool to see how you understand the concepts you’re talking about, plenty of people just go by whatever strawman they get raised with.

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Palestinians isn’t modern, zionists and racists just like to ignore that not all Palestinians are Muslim.

Also the median age in Gaza is 18. I wonder why growing up in an open air prison would lead you to fall in with extremists? Guess the Palestinians are just flawed individuals. Nothing to do with right wing Israeli politicians taking direct steps to block peace and continue colonizing Palestinian land.

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No this is what results when that doesn’t happen and also what happens when you decide to fund extremists in the 80s and 90s so you can keep the moderate coalition out of power to keep this clusterfuck going.

Since anime was inspired by Disney and other western animation wouldn’t they be called “sushi cartoons” in this naming scheme? The superhero genre is older than the whole anime industry after all.

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The end result of reactionary rhetoric. The GOP admitted it when they hung the banner “we are all domestic terrorists”

There’s been a humanitarian crisis in Gaza for decades bud.

If you think they aren’t objectified that’s your own lack of perspective.

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Gunning down journalists isn’t the “sad reality of war”. It’s an intentional war crime that also helps them control the narrative so people like you will get tricked into thinking the IDF isn’t a barbaric organization that kills indiscriminately.

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It’s no one’s job to do anything. But if you want to achieve real world results you have to work with the psychology of real world humans. This isn’t a game with an even playing field, it’s real life where people that pursue truth have to work way harder than those that peddle lies.

It’s a completely understandable sentiment because it’s an inherently unfair dynamic, no argument there. But if you want to change things you have to change people and that requires acknowledging that human minds are resistant to corrections and get even more obstinate in the face of hostility. Especially when there’s a whole political movement of reactionaries that will lie about you to get their way.

Not everyone is worth the effort of course, some are too dogmatically attached to their beliefs and others are just contrarian assholes that like hurting others. But the existence of close minded assholes doesn’t mean they are the only people that exist.

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The irony is that all this fluff is you justifying why Israeli citizens are worth more. Just because terrorists kill civilians doesn’t give one the right to callously allow the death of yet more innocent civilians.

They both matter, which is what we’re saying when we speak out against Israel’s policy of collective punishment.

You should actually watch the video because you might be surprised that he directly talks about Gaza and states his position (no more money for Israel if they can’t control their violent impulses). You know, instead of spouting off like a blind partisan.

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Actually it’s a well established psychological phenomenon:

Got any actual response to my point or just more arrogant snark?

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It’s not the person organizing the event and flying people out. It’s those poor peasants that dared attend. What an argument to make.

Someone else would fly the jet is also, not a coherent defense because someone else isn’t doing that. She’s flying her own private jet right now.

It’s a systemic problem, yes. So criticize all aspects of the system to show how inherently flawed it is. All private jet travel by all celebrities should be criticized. Suddenly when it’s not Elon tons of defenders need to tell us how we should look the other way and how there’s nothing important here in this identical situation.

If anyone is trying to prevent anything, it’s Taylor sycophants throwing themselves to defend her from valid criticism.

There’s a time for both tbh. If you want to just fuck around then items and stuff are a lot of fun. But if you’re playing from a competitive mindset many of these mechanics get in the way of the parts of the game they love the most. In fact, I think my experience playing without items made me more effective with them when I played with people that wanted them turned back on.

The important thing is that you play the rule set everyone playing will have fun with. That’s why the customization of rules has always been pretty in depth.

I don’t find pleasure in the success of jihadist movements that overthrow democratic elections. I think the world would be better off with less religious extremists exerting control over people. It’s like celebrating the creation of North Korea because western powers lost influence over the area. Doesn’t make the inevitable oppression any more tolerable.

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And now that Israel is looking for a reason to wipe Gaza off the map there won’t be an issue sending in settlers.

The long game of funding extremist orgs is paying off for right wingers in Israel.

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Wow you must’ve drank a lot of water

Netanyahu and his political allies assassinated Israeli pm Rabin and stalled out the nearly completed peace talks in the mid 90s. Then they funded Hamas to oppose the secular organization in Palestine named Fatah, the other that had gotten the closest to peace when negotiating with Rabin.

Right wing zionists in Israel literally created the background setting for shit like this to happen. It’s entirely accurate. You just have been primed to associate criticism with bigotry.

She needs to pollute so she can keep singing isn’t the defense you think it is. If anything it’s evidence of her own selfish belief that the environment shouldn’t affect her money train.

I’m sure streaming residuals and the metric tons of marketing deal money are more than enough for her to slow down and find an ethical way to travel.

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Do you think ignoring obvious sarcasm makes you look smarter?

Every system of governance has millions of deaths attributable to them. Capitalists destabilize third world countries so they can take advantage of the corruption. If you look at every authoritarian government propped up by western capitalist governments you’ll see the body count hit the billions. I’d say a system that props up a guy who threw thousands of political dissidents out of helicopters is far more “inherently shitty” than one whose core ideology was undermined by strongmen.

Every starving person that exists in a place where excess food is destroyed is another body waiting to be added to the count.

Attack the actual tenants of an ideology, not the bastardized version spoon fed to you by people with an incentive to present it dishonestly.

Or give me a good pitch as to why North Korea is definitely a democratic republic. When the person claiming to be a Scotsman was born in Thailand and lived their whole life in Iraq it’s not a fallacy to say that they’re wrong.

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In the West Bank, with no Hamas presence, Israeli settlers backed by the IDF come kill them and take their homes. The Israeli leadership doesn’t want a two state solution because extreme Zionists are in power.

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No one is stopping them. Nexus admins just don’t want them jacking it to that shit on their website

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They literally shot a journalist in the head and then sent military thugs to rough up people at the funeral. Your perspective is severely lacking context on one side.

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Risen again 🙏

So you also don’t blame Hamas for what they did by that logic. Or is 100 years too short for your sensibilities, would another century of abuse help? Gaza is already worse than the Warsaw ghetto in the 30s-40s, when do they get their war crime pass?

Also, quick reminder that the current Israeli government has sent cash and resources to Hamas because people like you will see hamas’ behavior and think they aren’t the ones being provoked intentionally to generate a good causus belli for sociopaths to glass the region. The Likud party has in their mission statement that Israel will own the land from the sea to the Jordan river so Hamas isn’t the only party with “river to the sea” rhetoric.

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You know you can look this up so you don’t come across as an ignorant partisan right?

Her name was Shireen Abu Akleh

From the article:

“Several independent investigations carried out by various bodies and organisations, including the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, concluded that Abu Akleh was most likely killed by seemingly well-targeted shots fired by Israeli forces, despite her wearing clear identification as a journalist. Internal investigations carried out by the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) found “a high possibility” that Abu Akleh was “accidentally hit” by IDF gunfire. However, to date, Israeli authorities have not opened a criminal investigation into her death or held anyone accountable.”

So are you willing to amend your previous claim? Or do you just want to cast doubt on anything that shows the Israeli government in a bad light?

Edit: I almost forgot, here’s proof that Israeli military went to the funeral to beat pallbearers and others:

And you know what, have some more quotes from the original article:

“The experts also decried the record-high number of killings of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem in recent months in the context of raids by Israeli forces, often targeting refugee camps. In 2022, out of 9000 Israeli operations, 702 targeted refugee camps in the occupied West Bank. In 2023, already more than 100 Palestinians have been killed in the context of such operations, including in Jenin, Nablus and Jericho. Since 2001, at least 18 Palestinian journalists have been reportedly killed by the IDF in the occupied Palestinian territory and no one has been held accountable for those deaths.”

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I would like zero bullets to the chest please

I like that the total values of both votes are shown. It's better than the way reddit has it at least.

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You mean after the Israeli PM that brokered the deal was assassinated a staunch opponent of the deal, Netanyahu, took power and refused to follow through with the part of the agreement where they pull their illegal settlements out of the West Bank that the Palestinians are the ones who refused peace there?

You don’t get to wipe your ass with an agreement then whine when the other party abandons it. Much like their propping up of Hamas, Netanyahu’s coalition has shown time and time again that good faith negotiations is not what they’re interested in.

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A farmers job is farming. Most farmers in history didn’t even own the land they worked on tbh.

The counter argument is that the systemic injustices that exist are perpetuated primarily through it being convenient to maintain the status quo.

A capitalists system like this needs a underclass to siphon wealth from.

Thus by fighting the class war you inherently will be tearing down the pillars upholding these injustices. If you get enough Republican voters to have class consciousness the culture war will fall apart on its own because it primarily exists to keep those groups distracted.

They’d rather stick with the de facto racist shit they’ve been putting aboriginals through obviously. After all, creating an advisory body to address issues of racism is obviously itself racist.

If you’re completely captured by punditry and manipulation that is.

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I don’t trust the judgement of fruit tbh.

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How many dead kids do you think that’s worth in retribution?

Because that’s the reporting you’ve looked at. If you’re talking about the journalists they’ve sniped and bombed then yeah those were very intentional. Aside from that they very clearly don’t mind huge collateral when they strike Palestinian homes so in that respect, yes it’s very clearly indiscriminate.

This line of argument is curious though. Do you think that if their war crimes were deliberately done instead of indiscriminately would that absolve them in your mind?

Because all you’re doing is dancing around this human rights atrocity with semantics.

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You having that perspective shows how incomplete your understanding is.

And it’s also interesting how obtuse you’re being with the definition of a genocide.

In Gaza, the 2 million inhabitants are kept under a multi decade siege where they’ve been forced into complete economic collapse. They lock down the borders so 95% of those prisoners can’t get the tech to clean water so have to suffer with disease ridden sludge. The average Gazan lives on two slices of bread per day. When extremists are hiding there the IDF will destroy all of their civilian infrastructure to get them with no care for how this will ruin the prisoners quality of life further. 60% of Gazans are 18 and under. I’ll say that again, Gazans are majority children at this point because Israel has killed so many of their parents (the vast majority not being Hamas members)

In the West Bank right wing settlers go out with IDF soldiers to gun down Palestinians and remove them from their homes. This is the region without Hamas by the way. This has also been happening longer than Gaza has been under siege, as the occupation of Gaza only became a siege when Hamas grew into power (with massive help from extremist Zionists in the Israeli government).

Just because they aren’t gassing them and setting up firing lines doesn’t mean they aren’t being slowly eradicated. Unlike the Nazis, they need good global pr to keep the billions of foreign investment flowing so of course they’re playing the optics game.

Israel is literally destroying Palestinian culture with their colonization and ruthless destruction. The Israeli Likud party is on record with their desire for a one state solution and how they propped up Hamas to make that solution more viable than the two state solution that Rabin and Arafat almost had in place before Zionists assassinated the Israeli Rabin to get Netanyahu in power.

I haven’t moved goalposts, you’re refusing to acknowledge their existence. A slow genocide is still a genocide, it just hides behind plausible deniability that people like you eat up uncritically. Much like China with the Uighurs.

Very similar to the frenzy around Bush Jr’s Iraq war as well.