Huawei's New Mystery 7nm Chip from Chinese Fab Defies US Sanctions

🇵🇸 Free Palestine 🇵🇸 to – 171 points –
Huawei's New Mystery 7nm Chip from Chinese Fab Defies US Sanctions

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heavily impact the sovereignty of all countries

Personally I don't have an issue with impacting sovereignty of countries like China or Russia, since their idea of sovereignty means suppression of others.

All countries.

surly the leopards won't eat my face

Pretty much the sentiment i think people have. They have this blind trust in USA i don't understand.

You are so close to being self aware

You mean , trusting USA is good ? Oh, shit.. Am done... If you are from there read your fucking history damn it. I can't know your own history better than you. am honestly tired of people coming to argue with me for stating trusting a single country over every goddamn thing and it only plainly saying "fuck you, what you gonna do about it ?" when caught fucking them over as being the crazy one. Wtf ?

Listen buddy, America is the good guys and we're on the same team, my country has a special friendship with the US with a lot of history behind it. All we have to do is everything America tells us to and to never do anything like choose a form of government they don't like or trade with someone they're not friends with or do anything that might affect American companies profits....