You're Not Imagining It: Google Search Results Are Getting Worse, Study Finds to – 222 points –
You're Not Imagining It: Google Search Results Are Getting Worse, Study Finds

For the past few years, a growing number of users, analysts, and experts raised alarms about a truth that feels obvious to a lot of people who surf around in web browsers: the quality of Google results is in serious decline. Google disagrees.


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I'm using Kagi for quite some time now and it's awesome. But recently I was using a different machine and did not have my login credentials at hand so I used Google and holy shit I didn't remember Google giving such aweful results. I was not able to find what I was looking for. Then searched the same thing on my phone through Kagi and the solution was in the first three results. So yes I also feel that Google search is getting worse.

Pay for the service or you will become the product. Kagi is more than worth it, its so nice to be able to find what I'm looking for again.

I can't be paying $5 or $10/month for yet another service. I understand the companies need to make money, but the amount of services asking for a subscription is getting out of hand. And $5 is really high for a search engine, that price is crazy. I was expecting something like $12/year for unlimited searches.

You either pay with your money or by viewing paid content. I save WAY more time than the $5 is worth to me not having to dig to find real results. It's ability to surface actual product reviews instead of page after page of amazon affiliate links has saved me hundreds of dollars. I felt it was crazy to pay for too, the free trial immediately changed my mind. You don't know how bad you have it until you see how good it could be.

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