Playing Ocarina of Time on my Nintendo 64. to – 271 points –

Just to show I play Nintendo as well.


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is it just stretched to fit 16:9? that's not going to look great

Ocarina of Time never natively supported any aspect ratio other than 4:3, so it will certainly be stretched. Unless OP plays on an emulator or the native PC port, which can both support 16:9.

Chances are there's a setting for stretch/fit in the TV

Yes, all TVs these days do have a picture setting for aspect ratio correction. But the TV in this picture does not have that setting enabled, and therefore the picture is distorted.

so it will certainly be stretched. Unless OP plays on an emulator or the native PC port, which can both support 16:9.

Which kinda contradicts this part

There it is

I saw this in my feed and asked myself what post number is going to be the "retro on 16:9 REEEEEEEEE", you're post #9 sorted by Hot

glad i could make your day, sorry it didn't include a derogatory autistic screech to better fit your prediction